Need info AVR

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Active member
Feb 9, 2009
I am scheduled for my AVR on 3/11 at UAB with Dr. McGiffin. I had made my selection of a tissue valve which they use the medtronics. I was reading about Mrs. Bush's surgery and came across some info. I am curious about a statement on the Methodist Hospital System website (Houston, Tx) which states "sometimes mechanical valves are needed when the patient's aorta is very small. Mechanical valves provide better flow than biologic valves in very small sizes." I am assuming that my UAB doc knows the size needed for mine in advance and wouldn't have given me the tissue option. The local doc in Pensacola, Fl was set on a mechanical valve and I am now wondering if that is why. Would appreciate any enlightenment as I am now a bit confused.
I think that your surgeon may not know for sure what size you'll need until he gets in there. If you have concerns about this, just have a conversation with him before surgery. Some people go into surgery thinking they will get a certain valve and end up with something different, so it is always good to have a "plan B" just in case.

Good luck to you.

I have a 21 mm Magna perimount 3000 (bovine) aortic valve, and I have seen very few members on the forum who have received a smaller size. I'm sure some have, but I can't recall any offhand.
If for some reason a 21 would be too large for you, then I'm confident Dr. McGiffin would place an appropriate size and try to respect your choice.
I feel really stupid here, but I just told my doctor to do what's best for me and I know things might change when I'm in surgery. I know I have to have a mechanical, but I am letting my surgeon make the choice. Being at St. Luke's and having one of the best surgeons in the world is what I'm counting on.

Is this wrong?
That sounds like a testament of faith which is ultimately what we have to do when we submit to the surgeons hands. Thank you.
Changed plans

Changed plans

When I went into surgery I was supposed to have minimally invasive and approx. what size valve I needed. Well it turned out my valved was more calcified (sp) then he thought so I needed a bigger valve then expected AND he had to open my sternum a little to "clean up". I don't think until they get in they know for sure what you'll need but if You have a good surgeon, which I did, they'll do a fabulous job anyway.
I have a 21 mm Magna perimount 3000 (bovine) aortic valve, and I have seen very few members on the forum who have received a smaller size. I'm sure some have, but I can't recall any offhand.
If for some reason a 21 would be too large for you, then I'm confident Dr. McGiffin would place an appropriate size and try to respect your choice.

Hi Mary,

Count me in as one of those with a 21 mm Carbomedics mechanical valve. :)

lilteach - Try not to worry and trust your doctor. They often don't know what they're going to find until they get in there. It'll go fine, I'm sure. :) Best wishes.

Dr. McGiffin did my AVR and aneurysm repair in 2004. I had a human valve and had to wait about 4 months until a variety of sizes was available. He was not sure exactly what size to use until he got in there. I will say that he is a GREAT doctor. He has a wonderful bedside manner and will sit with you and answer any questions without rushing you. He even responded to my many questions pre-surgery either by email or phone. he was very accessible and very willing to talk with me. When the time comes for another surgery I will definitely use him.