Nan's Surgery Went Great!

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So glad you are home, Nan. Rest and walk when you can- slow, but sure. We look forward to the picture when your son has time!


So happy to hear that you are home. I hope you keep feeling better and better every day.
If you get a chance could you send me your address again. I just cannot find it. I will send you something to keep your mind occupied.:)
Take care.

Congrats on being home!!!! We can't wait to see pics of "The One True Shirt". Take it easy and recover well. We're very glad you're home.

Hi again everyone! David, just a quick note to hope that you may be one of the next to wear "THE SHIRT"....would love to see that! (And glad you are home and doing well) And who else (Other than Stretch, of course) will be part of the "order of the shirt"!
I'm glad to hear you've made another trek over the mountain and emerged on the other side in good shape!
Congratulations and best wishes on a fast, and uneventful, recovery.
Congrats on your recovery. I am glad you are home and doing so well.
I to look forward to the "shirt" photos, and I will gladly wear it when the time comes. I have a question for Ross, and the others here on If we get a number of photos, can we, or should we, set up a photo gallery on the tool bar next to Calendar? It would be fun to see all the photos in the same place and be able to add to them for many years to come.:D

Welcome Home, Nan! Must be good to be home...

Welcome Home, Nan! Must be good to be home...

Nan said:
And who else (Other than Stretch, of course) will be part of the "order of the shirt"!
Hi Nan - this is Noni! :cool: Stretch was discharged from the hospital today and is now resting in our hotel room (Millenium Hilton) in downtown Manhattan. He's fine - but is still weak and sore. I'm doing better from my cold - and hopefully we both can sleep well in the same room tonight! :) As soon as we get the shirt and as soon as Stretch feels like it, we'll make a picture of him in the tawdry shirt. :D

Please take it easy, eat well and rest a lot. Home sweet home!
Shirt Picture

Shirt Picture

Here is one of the shirt pictures.. a bit tough to upload, but I may upload another later!
Like the shirt!

Like the shirt!

It becomes you. Didn't know there was a certificate that goes with it! It is so nice when we hear post surgery from everyone and know they are safely on the other side. Happy healing to both you and Stretch!
thanks guys, you'll notice , of course, that this is a scar "free" pix!

There are also some "disco" ones....we'll see.

But the fun will be when we have lots of pix!
The shirt looks good, Nan and you look great!- keep up the good recovery.:)
Nan - my apologies for not peeking in here more often. I have just seen all the posts about your ordeal. I am sure glad you are doing good after this round of surgery. Of course -- you know what I am going to recommend, right? :D