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Nice photo Tom! You look great for only 1 week. Keep up the good work!
You look great, Tom. When you feel up to it, you need to repost this in the tawdry shirt thread so it can join all the other infamous pictures.:D
You look great, Tom!
Have any of our next week surgery candidates contacted you about getting the shirt?
OOPs, Tom- senior moment- this is the tawdry shirt forum-thanks for posting!
Congratulations on your Tawdry display!!!

Looks we're going to have enough for a 2008 VR calendar!
Lookin good! I'm envious of most all of you. I look like I was butchered compared to you all.
Tom you do look

Tom you do look

like you are doing great! However, that look in your eyes - I have seen it before - in my own eyes and all here on who have just been through open heart surgery - a look of shock, disbelief, happiness, and amazing gratitude for still being here -- like you are looking at life for the first time. :)

Christina L
So, Tom, you took that photo before the surgery, right? Pasted on a scar for effect? :p

Seriously, you look GREAT at 1 week post op. Just amazing. :)

Wishing you a continued smooth recovery,
one scar

one scar

funny little story. I have one CABG due to a blockage (maybe 50% they said). Cardio said normally they would not do anything, but hey, my chest will be wide open, so why not! They took the right mammary artery (under my right chest muscle, as it has been shown this artery does not placque up. They took it right through the same incision. EVERY nurse, PA, doctor that checked me out kept looking for theat second incision....I had to tell the the whole story, while on pain meds!
My goodness Tom, you look great. Like Ross I've had so many surgeries I look like Zoro got a hold of me.