My Son Chris

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I haven't had time to do anything. Not even think.

Saw Chris last night and looked at the graft. I'm convinced it's dead, the resident is convinced it's dead, the Doctors assist's are convinced it's dead. No one knows what the Doctor is waiting on nor where we go from here. I guess I'll know more when he sees it again, but at this point, I'm sure it has failed.

Still checkin' on you, still praying for you and just wanted you to know you're all still in my thoughts. I haven't been on much as I'm having asthma problems....


Sorry about the latest update on the graft.

We went through this same thing many years ago with my favorite uncle. There was a lot of yo-yoing. This also involved a foot.
I will continue to pray.
Ross I know this is a critical time, and that you are really worried. But can you try to have some faith in this doctor? He's the doctor. The rest of you are not. Maybe he has a miracle in his pocket. Maybe he just sees something that no one else sees and needs to learn about. Maybe he thinks that Chris needs a break from all the surgeries so his body can understand what's going on. Please continue to hold optimism. Sure, that optimism can be disappointed. But maybe it's quietly winning at this point. Please hold onto a morsel of faith.

Thinking about you guys. Wishing the best for your son.

Remember, it's not over until it's been proven to be over. So far, the doctor hasn't said that. So I am along with everyone else just holding our breaths for a good outcome.
My cousin who is disabled recently was told by a surgeon his leg needed to come off. His local doctor said no. She took over the case and my cousin still has his leg and is doing so much better, but there for awhile he was nearing the end. There is always hope. As Nancy says, never give up - and keep the faith.
I'm still checking on you guys and still praying hard for that miracle you deserve...
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((big hugs)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Just wanted you to know...........

Just wanted you to know...........

that we are still checking in and praying. Many hugs. J&K
Same here!! Checking in on you guys. Prayers still flowing from Missouri!!
Healing thoughts

Healing thoughts

are being sent Chris's way - I am praying that all turns out well for all of you.

I am reading a book that I pulled from my never-read stack - called "Ya Gotta Keep Dancing" - (written by a young Christian guy who is in chronic pain from a fall) - anyway he said there are only TWO choices in life -to be a victim or to be a fighter.

As you all know, I struggle so much with this very issue and this line in the book really struck me.

I hope your son will become a fighter just like you, Ross.

Christina L
Jen & Andrew checking in as well ... your son and your family are always in our thoughts & prayers.
Hang in there!

Hang in there!

Yes I sit back and wonder what lessons are to be learned from all of this.

No lessons to learn, Ross. There is no punishment of that sort in this world.

I know those surgeries where they remove your skin, graft it somewhere else, the skin dyes, remove another piece again, are extremely painful. A conscientious surgeon will try all he can to keep the member alive. To take an early drastic solution is less painful for the patient, but, to my opinion, not the right thing to do. Surgeons also know the psychological impact of an amputation. To keep his foot, if possible, is normally better than prosthesis. To wear prosthesis is not the end of the world either :)

Sooner or later clouds will fade away. Hang in there! :)

Christina L said:
there are only TWO choices in life -to be a victim or to be a fighter.

When everything seems to be against me, I tend to be a victim, for a while. When it goes a little bit better the fighter in me awakes. Better not try to put sticks in my wheels then :D
I'm just checking in also. I'm up in Michigan visiting my family and was thinking about Chris on Tues. night. I was at a high school girl's basketball game here in Hudsonville where my neice is a Phys. Ed. teacher as well as coach of the girl's varsity team. Two of the starters were twins and one of them was born with only one foot. I would not have known if my sister hadn't mentioned it to me. Just watching her play was a real inspiration and my mind kept going back to your son and the battles your family has been going through. I hope that Chris is making some progress and that healing goes forward both inside and out. You are all in my prayers.
I've been out of touch until recently, my VERY best wishes with all this!
Checking in

Checking in

Healing thoughts and prayers continue on your behalf. I hope today has brought some amount of good news....
keep on keepin on ...
Haven't posted because there wasn't anything to post.

Chris is going back to surgery Saturday morning. The Doctor has now decided that it's not working. I'm not entirely sure of what the game plan is, so I won't say anything until it's done.