My Son Chris

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Prayers for Chris and the surgeon going up even if Chris is being a PITA LOL. I'm so impressed that you are able to do the tough love thing--as hard as it must be it will be a true reality check for him. Life is not always easy, as we valvers know!
xoxox, Carolyn
I'll be calling up there in about 30 minutes to see if he's in recovery or on his way to his room yet.
Dr.Alexander just called. He was able to put humpty dumpty back together again without using any hip bone. Chris has lost blood flow to the ball of his ankle, but now that others are lined up properly and have a blood supply going, he's hoping it will grow a new supply line. He had a blister at the back of the ankle and they took it off and found that bone had been driven back there and was the cause of the blister. He said the bone is now exposed in that area and if they can keep it from getting infected, can get a plastic surgeon to close it up. It's a wait and see thing from here. So long as there is no infection, he may pull out of this yet. He won't even have 100% of the foot again, but at least some use if he can just keep it.
Sounds promising. Sending prayers up for Chris and all of you. Keep those infections away.
That's excellent news, Ross. You know that doctors are pessimistic in their evaluations, so I'm hoping for a good recovery for your son.
That open bone exposure is going to be hard to keep free from infection, but here's praying that it does.
Thanks for the update, Ross. Here's hoping that recovery goes well and they are able to keep the infection away- still sending lots of hugs and prayers.
I'm glad the surgery was a success. Now I'll pray that the recovery is a success as well.
It sounds promising so maybe he'll come out on top! Prayers still going up for you & yours!
I shall keep the prayers coming while you guys try get some sleep sounds pretty good so-far considering the scale of the damage to that ankle, especially if there's hope he may walk on it again...
Hope your procedure Ross, is also over and done with and no surprises were found...

continued prayers
Good to know that this part is done - now we just wait and watch. We are all here to support and help where we can. Y'all's nerves must be shot to h***. God bless.