My doctor visit

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Hi all... my doc visit today went well.... my glucose is back to high-normal and we will keep an eye on it for now! Visit with orthopedic surgeon went well, he is rather stumped and has scheduled me for a bone scan Oct. 9. So, guess we will go from there on that one!

Take care and have a great evening and an even greater day tomorrow!!!

Thanks for the update Zazzy. You have a great day and evening also. May you feel the warmth of the sun today...of course maybe that isn't as comforting to you as it would be to me here in Michigan where the days of the sun's warmth are quickly becoming but a memory! Love ya.
Jean, I live in northern Idaho... and winter really isn't that far off is it? Our weather here has been great... in the 80s and that is unusual for this area. But just thinking of snow depresses me. We are due for a bad winter.... we haven't really had one since about 15 years ago. My problem is that my docs are so far away (1-1/2 hours) and I hate to drive in the snow!

Have a beautiful day!
Hi Zazz,

Geezzz... I thought they still made house calls out there in Idaho.

<smile> Ohh well... I do remember when the docs did make house calls.

Glad to hear you have had some good news...

Staying in touch,

Hi Zazzy!!!

Hi Zazzy!!!

Hey Sweetie,

Just wanted to say Good Luck on October 9th.

"Talk to you later".

Love ya!
Zazzy - Good to hear your glucose is down. Keep taking them one at a time. Hope Oct 9 gives you more good news. Hey, maybe you're on a good luck streak.
Good luck streak!!! Good thought Bill!!!! Mebbe I'll just have to streak for that streak!!!! hee hee

take care,