My definition of insanity.

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I agree...this is about the epitome of insanity. To each his own, but I don't want to be dealing with teenage issues in my mid to late 70's.

(My wife is laughing at me right now. I'm reading my post out loud and she suddenly says "I guess we could do that.... in vitro fertilization..." I suddenly quit typing and sat speechless....she laughed and laughed. Real cute, but no cigars in our future).
I'm much happier being a grandma at 48. I'm sure you and Cindy feel the same!!
Karlynn said:
I'm much happier being a grandma at 48. I'm sure you and Cindy feel the same!!

That is one cute little grandbaby, Karlynn! Both my sons are married now but no grandchildren on the way for me yet.


I just turned 60 this April and I cannot for the life of me would want to be raising twins. I get tired with my older grandchildren. I am assuming that they are wealthy and will have around the clock help. I was a grandma a5 43 and loved every minute of it. That grandchild is now 17. Have 1 -10, 2-9(identical twins, and 1 at 7. They are at a great age. Was hoping for more but I think my 2 middle boys at 37 and 39 are not going to produce. Oh well, I sure hope that they don't wait until they are 60. I will be dead by then.
OK, OK, Ok!

Let me make clear that I'm not promoting having babies at the age of 60.

I did give a little thought to it a few months back, at the age of 54, but after taking a good look at what is occuring in the world, I know that I don't want any more children!
Actually we "adopted" two four year olds from Christian Children's Fund to satiate :eek: my urge to propogate!:p :p :p

I was just poking fun at Karlynn's thead title! We watch Fox & Friends for awhile every morning, and when I read the news coming across the bottom of the tv screen, I think most of it defines insanity!

I'm sorry Karlynn if my remarks were misconstrued!
Susan BAV said:
That is one cute little grandbaby, Karlynn! Both my sons are married now but no grandchildren on the way for me yet.

Thank you!! And she's coming to Grammy's this weekend. They live 9 hours away.:(

Our son did 2nd things 1st. Baby, then marriage. Our precious Avery was a little graduation from college surprise - for all involved! But they are doing very well and he was lucky enough to get a job in his degree field right away last year.

Mary - no offense taken. I knew what you meant.:)
Mary said:
OK, OK, Ok!

Let me make clear that I'm not promoting having babies at the age of 60.

I did give a little thought to it a few months back, at the age of 54, but after taking a good look at what is occuring in the world, I know that I don't want any more children!
Actually we "adopted" two four year olds from Christian Children's Fund to satiate :eek: my urge to propogate!:p :p :p

I was just poking fun at Karlynn's thead title! We watch Fox & Friends for awhile every morning, and when I read the news coming across the bottom of the tv screen, I think most of it defines insanity!

I'm sorry Karlynn if my remarks were misconstrued!

I hope you don't think I misconstrued them. I understood your comments to be funny!!:D
I got my first computer at age 60..didn't want surprised me..Better than twins:D I saw a picture of the Mother on T.V..Beautiful, young looking..Agree, bet they have a full-time Grandkids now are age 15 soon..:eek: and age 3/5..don't know which is the most trouble.:p Love them..but so nice to take them home at the end of their visits.:D No Nanny ..just Granbonny:p