My daughter

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SHerrin Hutt

Well-known member
Apr 1, 2002
Jeffersonville. In
Well, my youngest is finally out of college. She'll be on her way to her new job in San Diego next mon.I think her dad would like to tie her up and put her in the basement if he could. Sher had job offers from all over but she was set to move out west. We will miss very much. we are planning to see her when we come out the for the cruise. It is always hard to let them go. Mike said it was my fault because they were just to smart.
Congratulations!! That is a wonderful accomplishment as a parent. I'm sure you will find many ways to get together in the future. Remember, The West Is Best!! :D Perhaps the sunshine will beckon you for a much longer stay, someday!!

Savor the moments!!

Congratulations! It is so hard to let go and have them move far away, but one of the most rewarding things as a parent is when your children succeed and as adults become your best friends. Enjoy!


Thanks for your support.My oldest daughter moved home after traveling around the u.s. and got a job near by and bought a house. The girls are 10 yrs. apart. wasn't planned that way. They are best friends. I think she is taking this harder than me.
Sherrin - think of it this way - now you have a good reason to travel to a nice area. My grandmother wouldn't have ever left Fostoria, OH if my dad hadn't been transferred all around the country.

Glad to hear you guys will be sailing this fall. See you then. Wonder if we'll be able to drag the boys out of the casino?
Sherrin, I know that feeling. My son just graduated as well and will most likely be employed as of Thursday by a firm in Kansas City. He's no longer just a weekend trip away.

Best wishes to your daughter and prayers for her success.
As somebody on the other side of the fence (I was the kid who moved away after college in search of "something new"), I am sure she is having a tough time as well. I would only ask that you support her and certainly never put her on a guilt trip about leaving. I have several friends that have moved away from home after college and had parents who took it as an insult - obviously a very bad situation, and one that leads to long-term scars in a relationship. The urge to leave home and "explore" different areas seems to be much stronger in youth today than it has been in the past. Personally, I couldn't imagine growing up, going to college, and settling down in the same area. I just needed to try new things! Of course, there are many other people who couldn't ever imagine leaving the friends, family, roots, etc. in their home town. Just a difference of philosophies...

Wish her luck for me on this exciting new experience!
MikeHeim said:
As somebody on the other side of the fence (I was the kid who moved away after college in search of "something new"), I am sure she is having a tough time as well. I would only ask that you support her and certainly never put her on a guilt trip about leaving. I have several friends that have moved away from home after college and had parents who took it as an insult - obviously a very bad situation, and one that leads to long-term scars in a relationship. The urge to leave home and "explore" different areas seems to be much stronger in youth today than it has been in the past. Personally, I couldn't imagine growing up, going to college, and settling down in the same area. I just needed to try new things! Of course, there are many other people who couldn't ever imagine leaving the friends, family, roots, etc. in their home town. Just a difference of philosophies...

Wish her luck for me on this exciting new experience!

Mike, I too was the one who did the leaving. I was older though, in my mid-twenties, and made it more difficult for all because our kids were just little boys that my parents adored. It was always a bit of a sore spot in my relationship with my parents. I made up my mind a long time ago that if my kids move far away I will be as supportive as possible.

Sharon, even though it hurts to see her move so far I know how very proud of her you are.
Congratulations, Sherrin. Mine just graduated from high school and is headed off to Purdue next year. Man, they grow up fast, don't they?
MikeHeim said:
The urge to leave home and "explore" different areas seems to be much stronger in youth today than it has been in the past.


I can attest to this. Except, for me, "exploring" different areas means road tripping ... for endless weeks at a time. Sadly, I have to work to be able to pay for that ... if only I could find a job where traveling by car was a permanent fixture of the job....then, I'd be a happy camper :).

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker =
chdQB =
"I can?t stop driving" ... New Radicals ... 'Someday We'll Know'
Hey there girlfriend!!

Hey there girlfriend!!

Hey Sherrin!

Can’t wait to see you on the cruise!! Congratulations on your daughter. I think it’s just part of the process.... they get out of college and want the biggest, baddest job they can find and if it’s on the other side of the planet... oh well! lol :eek: :D

My oldest son started a job on the 'New Bay Bridge' all the way out in San Fran, as an engineer... about two weeks after he graduated. He made tons of money and found out what it’s like to live in a big city. Thank goodness he spent it all well, paid off college loans and started looking for a job......... guess where?!!! lol yup... he was ready to come home, his wife was too... she was teaching school out there. I’m so thrilled to say they are back home. I know so many other kids his age who have done the same thing. There’s no where like home. :) I betcha she’ll be back too.

Maybe your daughter could come on the cruise with us? :) That would be fun. My Sara & Ryan are coming. Thank goodness Ryan got a job closer to home after he graduated college. He’s an engineer on a huge dam they are building near here.

See you and Georgia in California!! I'm excited!!:D
Thanks everyone for your support
She has a degree in as Civil engineer and her boy friend of 4 1/2 yrs is a engineer also. He is from Indy too! We all want the best for our kids. Hey! Sherry I wish your son good luck at Purdue.
Her starting salary is more than my daughter who has been a NICU Educator. She has been out of school for 10 yrs. She doesn't start work till 6/19 . She has to find an apt. and get settle in. I don't think she will be able to take off that soon to take the cruise.I am proud and sad at the same time.When I married Mike I hadn't every been out of Ky. I till have a hard time to get my parents to cross that bridge! I've told them that they didn't need a passport to come.
Rain I wish your son good luck with his new job too.
Thanks all for your support. I am just going through that emty nest symdrome. I think I'll live but for the next couple weeks it will be hard. I'll have to keep busy. I've gone back cardic rehab. (phase 3) and they have ask me to help out with some paper work. I look for both girls to get married in the next year or so.My oldest daughter boy friend is an engineer for UPS in louisville, ky.
Congratulations! I hope your daughters new job is just what she's dreaming of. Best wishes to you and your husband while to your adjusting to her being so far away. Cindy cried when my stepson moved out of the house and moved 25 miles away.


Well, we have been at Purdue for the weekend and as of 11:00 am today thye were on their way to calfornia and 7 hrs in somewhere in missouri their u-hall broke down. I am sure they are not happy but I glad if it was going happen there and not in the desert. IT looks like they can use all the prayers.
daughter-California bound

daughter-California bound

U Haul has decided to give my daughter a new truck. Of course they are offering to empty it into the new one, thank god!
They have given them a extra day and paying for their hotel room. I just hope the worst is over. Just keep theses young adults in your prayers. I won't be able to get a good night sleep till they get there. She starts her new job a week from yesterday. Theses are stories they can tell their kids when they are older.Thanks everybody for your support.
The one nice thing about being younger is you tend to take these things in stride. I think U-Haul probably owes them a bit more than they are offering but at least they have come up with something.
It's your "job" to worry but I am sure they will be fine.
Speaking as someone who has a bit of experience with U-Haul, they shouldn't expect anything more than they've already been given. As geebee said, I'm sure they'll take this in stride and be just fine on the second half (I'm being extremely generous) of their trip. Take a deep breath. :)
My Daughter

My Daughter

Well, Everbody they finally made it to San Diego to day at 3: our time. She has about week and half till she starts her new job and find a apartment. They had looked at alot of them on line. So they spent the rest of the day looking at the favorites. I miss her already! I caught my husband a couple times with tears rolling down his. I have a couple melt down my self. I just feel like she my baby. As I look back at my past I was married at 20 and a mother at 21 and she is 23 now.Life goes on!!!!!!!!!!!