My Bruises are Cool

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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2007
Duluth, MN
OK ... well, the bruises make me look tough!

Geez, I went canoeing/camping in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area (Minnesota) this past week and came home with arms full of bruises ... and don't recall having any incidents that would have caused them!

Guess I have Warfarin in me!
Just be careful! My grand parents lived in Moose Lake and I have been to Duluth several times. A beautiful place. I used to live near Rochester. Just wanted to say hi to a fellow Minnesotian!
It's hard to say for me if Coumadin makes me bruise more. I was a banana before my VR and I'm still a banana. I was gardening too, digging out a flower bed, hit a rock and the handle of the shovel slipped and banged into my upper arm. It's a cool green color now.

My husband and daughter are doing a weekn in the Boundary Waters at the end of July. They went last year too. It's just the two of them. They used to go with the high school church group and now that our daughter's older, they just decided to make it a father/daughter outing. They love it. (Our minister grew up in Duluth. His mom is still there.)