My bro hospitalized again

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
My brother is in the hospital again. Nan had to just about fight the head nurse at tthe nursing home to get him out of the home and into the hospital ER (Baylor). Once there, they got 4 bags of urine - he now has kidney infection again and still has the stones. He has been coughing for about 4 days and we don't know what that is. He gain a lot of weight (fluid buildup again). He is in big trouble again. Tomorrow the kidney to bladder stent will be changed and then I don't know what else is coming down the pike.

I hate nursing homes - they have some of the staff who just don't care. Nan goes every day to see about him - if she didn't, he'd not have made it this far. We foresee official complaints on the horizon eventually. When you have to fight the head nurse, things are suspect, aren't they? She'll be looking for another place, but it's always bad to move an old sick person to new places. Very traumatic.

I won't be meeting Bonnie, Mary and Danny in Panama City. Just waiting by the phone.
So sorry Ann. It is so hard to find good care in a nursing home. Will be thinking of you and wish your brother the best.
I am soooo sorry Hensy...

I am soooo sorry Hensy...

I am sorry to hear that your brother is not doing well...please know that you and yours are in my prayers and thoughts...

Have they checked your brother for Congestive Heart Failure Ann? I have it, and when I am in active heart failure, I gain 3-5 lbs over night and I have one heck of a dry cough, and I can't sleep flat anymore. God knows that I hope this isn't the case for your brother, but I hope this might help you in some small way.

Sending you tons of ((((((((((((((Hugs))))))))))))))) from ole Harrybaby:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Ann, I'm sorry about this latest turn of events. You and your brother will be in our prayers. Sorry you don't get to meet the other in Panama City.


Very sorry about this turn of events for your bro.... And, equally sorry it'll keep you from meeting the others in Panama City.

Please know that thoughts/prayers are coming your way....

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker =
chdQB =
"Where have you gone?" ... Glen Campbell ... 'Still Within The Sound Of My Voice'
Oh, I am so sorry to hear this.

Your brother will be in my thoughts and prayers. I hope the hospital gets him straightened out.

How ever did he get into these dire circumstances? I hope you file official complaints. He sounds very ill.

I am so very sorry to hear this again. I will absolutely positively put him in our prayers.....and you, too.

Just keep fighting, darlin.....

Yesterday his stent was exchanged. They found damage in the bladder, plus infection there and in the kidney. The dr says that once the infection is gone, barring nothing unforeseen, his mental faculties should return and his health should be better. He will be in the hospital several days and go to a different nursing home upon release.

They couldn't get the stones during this procedure; they are too large. In a couple of months, when he is stronger, the dr will go in and laser the stones so they can be removed or passed.

He's in Baylor and that is one of the best. This is so hard.
I am very sorry. I went through the nursing home/hospital/nursing home nightmare over and over when my Mother was suffering with Alzheimers. It is very hard.

I will say prayers for your bro and for you and hope that care will improve in the new nursing home.
Aye, Ann ... thoughts/prayers continuing for your brother ... and you, of course.


Just wanted to add my prayers, too. I am so sorry to hear that your dear brother has to endure so much. Many hugs. Janet
Ann, I know how stressful this all is, but it sounds like he is getting good care now and I hope the infection is controlled and the new nursing home is a big change for the better. Sending you our prayers and best wishes.

Hope your brother is doing better.
Where does he live? I'm guessing you're referring to the Baylor hospital system in the Dallas-Fort Worth area?? If so, it is a fine system. My family has probably paid for some of the expansion at the main hospital. :D And my younger niece is an ICU nurse at the location in Plano.
the dr discharged him before Nan could get him into the new nursing home. Well, today the new nursing home informed my sister they won't take him at all because he has become combative so he has to stay where he has been, in Rockwall. He has never been a quiet patient when in the hospital, but he has never been like this. He's generally kind, polite and cooperative - a sweet professor type man. We don't know what else to do except that Nan will keep a sharp eye out as she has been doing. There is one nurse who is very caring with him.

The infection will hopefull clear up now and maybe then they can get the stones. We know he must be in lots of pain with those still in there. They are large.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

p.s. yes, it's Baylor in Dallas.
Ann, my mom had parkinson's dementia and at times when she got really combative and totally confused one of the first things we had them do was to check for a urinary tract infections. Not every time that she was combative did she have one but every time she had a UTI she became nearly unmanageable. She was quiet and sweet most of the time but she fought like a tiger on other days. I truly understand the problems of getting compassionate quality care in such situations. I'm glad Nan is able to be there and I'm sure that gives you some peace of mind.

My husband is having problems with his plumbing too. He still has kidney stones that really don't bother him all that much but now he also has bladder stones because of nothing empties well due to prostate problems. He's had kidney stones removed before and had the laser procedure another time. I'm not sure what the next step is for him but the surgeon said he will probably use the laser to cut out some of the prostate and then go in after the bladder stones. I know your brother must be so uncomfortable and probably really doesn't understand what is causing it. I hope the infection soon clears and he does get stronger again. I'm sending you cyber hugs!
hensylee said:
the dr discharged him before Nan could get him into the new nursing home. Well, today the new nursing home informed my sister they won't take him at all because he has become combative so he has to stay where he has been, in Rockwall. He has never been a quiet patient when in the hospital, but he has never been like this. He's generally kind, polite and cooperative - a sweet professor type man.

This sounds a bit like Gramps ... after his stroke and fall down the steps on Christmas Day way back in 1984. Being a pastor, he was always well mannered and soft spoken ... until that fateful day. I wasn't there, but I'm told that when Gram finally got to the stairway ... and when my parents and my aunt and uncle arrived ... there were words coming out of Gramps' mouth that we guarantee had never even entered his mind before.....

Good luck with this frustrating situation, Ann. Thoughts/prayers continue coming your way, of course.