Music During Surgery?

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2010
Phoenix AZ
I can't find a post on this - does anyone know if you have disussed this? I want to know if anyone used music before/during/after surgery - or if anyone utilized "guided imagery" before/during/after and what the results might be?
"Some of us who had our surgery at the Cleveland Clinic were given a CD called Guided Imagery for Stressful Times (with nature sounds) featuring Diane Tusek and that helped me immensely with the pre-surgery waiting game. She has a very soothing voice and would lull me to sleep. You might be able to find that online" I just finished posting this in another thread. I also found soothing music helpful.
My surgeon was from Texas and played country-western music in the OR during my surgery...unfortunately I wasn't able to enjoy it. ;)
