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SHerrin Hutt

Well-known member
Apr 1, 2002
Jeffersonville. In
Well. on Oct 3, I go in the hospital again for more test, First they thought i had Transient Global amnesia, Now they want to put in the hosp. for a week for seizures watch. I can't leave the room but I can have vistors. I sure hope they find what they are looking for. I haven't drove since x-mas and I am going crazy.
This a busy week for the Hutt Family. My oldest(April ) is getting married next Sat. the 8th. There something going on every day thias week. After 34 yrs she has finally found her soul mate. I hope so! He seems like a real great guy. Mike always wanted a son and I think he has finally has one. I just praying that I don't have one of theses espisodes. I would not be a happy camper if it did. I have had 4 since befoe x-mas. So far this hasn't sarted to good .I didn't get much sleep sat. night and last night as you can tell I am still awake. Not for the like of trying.
Went to took two hot bathes went bed three times and I still couldn't go to sleep. Just keep us in your prayers. Thanks.
Sherrin, Congratulations on your daughter's marriage. I will pray that you sail through the wedding with smiles and tears of joy and that they are able to get to the bottom of your health problems speedily. Best wishes and prayers coming your way!
Sherrin, i am so sorry that you are having such a bad time and they don't know why! Best wishes and prayers to help them find a successful solution.

Congratulations on your new son. you will love him. After all, your dear daughter chose him. Blessins......
I hope the wedding goes beautifully. I'm sorry that you are having these troubles.

Can you take Tylenold PM to help you get to sleep?
Sherrin - Sorry for your recent trouble and hospital tests. My daughter was married in June and I had the aneurysm problem at that time. You should stay calm and don't try to make it to every event regarding the wedding. Your husband is a really nice guy and will help you. I really enjoyed the wedding, it will be a great event for your daughter.