Mitral Valve Repair Question

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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010
Austin, Texas

My Mitral valve repair surgery got postponed because I have a cold so it'll be next Monday. I was looking up heart valve rings. I was wondering....Does everyone need a ring for Mitral Valve repair? Can you pick your own brand/company that made them or does the surgeon only use one kind? I am inquiring about this because I just read this article:

Thanks for any advice or info!


My Mitral valve repair surgery got postponed because I have a cold so it'll be next Monday. I was looking up heart valve rings. I was wondering....Does everyone need a ring for Mitral Valve repair? Can you pick your own brand/company that made them or does the surgeon only use one kind? I am inquiring about this because I just read this article:

Thanks for any advice or info!


I had a Medtronic ring put in me, and also only knew about it after the surgery. The neat thing was that three years later, I got to meet the team that handmade my ring. That was a memorable experience!
I have an Edwards band too, and never even considered asking about the different companies that made rings before my surgery. I had other things (like avoiding panic) on my mind at that time!
This is an interesting question Laura. I didn't think about the ring beforehand and not so much after either. Maybe a year after surgery, I asked about it and my cardiologist told me a ring is for support. I don't even remember having a discussion about rings with my surgeon. Maybe I wasn't listening. We did talk about Plan B mechanical valve if the repair could not be done. Like Boston Tiger says, there's alot on your mind. Having an ATS band put in, I just read that it comes in a ring or a band and that they have flexible and semi rigid models. I'm not sure what the difference between a ring and band other than a band looks like it's shaped like a C instead of a O? I've had a TEE done since and I'm told it's holding well. I think it's good to ask before hand, but I wouldn't know enough to ademantly overrule the surgeon. I would rather discuss what Plan B would be which would be to replace the valve. Then, whether to use natural or mechanical. I think this is more important to think about. Try to stay calm during this next week. You'll do fine. Good luck.
I got a ring but forgot to ask about the brand. My wife always said she wanted a Harry Winston. :) Seriously, I figured there were other bigger decisions the surgeon would have to could he do the robotic surguery, and was a repair feasible (as opposed to a new artificial valve). I also was keen to ask him what things looks like in there, because I had some major issues with ventricular tach before surgery. But I can report here, that whatever he did 1 yr ago seems to be da bomb, just had a follow-up echo and looks really good, feels good too. So I guess I might have opinions on the product based on reading, but not sure i can make the call in a live game setting, just like I have opiions on the Giants offense, but I wouldn't want me making the play calls next week.
I too have an Edwards, I never thought to ask. Was just told that one would be used. I have never had any problems and I had a robotic repair. Good luck to you!