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The ICU is a very busy place. There is a lot activity and a lot noise coming from your room and the other rooms. Its a big enough room for people to visit, but guest were not allowed to say over night. There are visiting hours and for the most part the nurses would allow people to stay however long they wanted. The exception to that was when there would be a shift change. My ICU room was directly in front of the nurses station and the doors to ICU. So I saw everyone come and go. I was in ICU for 2 nights. There is a small waiting room down the way from the ICU and that is where my mom slept. Though she did tell that the nurses went out to wake her up when I was coming out of the anesthia(sp). There is a TV in the ICU and you can watch as much TV as you want. As the hours went by, they were continue to disconnect from all the machines that were attached to me. I was up and and sitting in the recliner the very next morning. The absolute worst part of ICU for me was waking up with the breathing tube and waiting for them to come and take it out. Prior to surgery I practice relaxation exercises and focused on relaxing imagery in the event I would need to use them during a high anxiety time. That technique was very useful while waiting for the tubes to come out. My process took 4 ever b/c they decided to take the tube during a shift change and so it just took forever from the moment I woke up. I think I waited 2 hours. Other questions?
Thanks again for the info. I am having the TEE and the cardio cath the day before surgery. Are you totally awake for the cardio cath or do they give you something to relax? Any side effects, like pain, afterwards? How about the TEE...throat sore or anything? I appreciate everything you have said. It has helped me in many ways.

They definitely give you a sedative for the cath, and it is not bad at all. However, when given in the groin (usually given there), unless they use a plug (some members have had this), you have to lie flat for 6 hours with a sandbag wrapped around the groin area where the artery is to make sure you don't start spurting blood! For me this was awful because I have to pee a lot (I won't go into details)!

You also are given a sedative for the TEE, and I didn't find the actual TEE that bad. However, the gunk they spray into your mouth and have you gargle to numb your esophogus - well, let's just say that it is not Hagan Das ice cream!!!