Medical Identifications

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*pokes head into thread*

*reviews posts*

*considers retreating back into hiding*

LOL...alrighty, I admit it...I'm a procrastinator on this issue as well.... I have completed the form, just have to send it along with that dang payment..... Aye....

Maybe one of these days....

Cort S, pig's valve & pacemaker-enhanced 29/swm
Instant Messengers...AOL="fc72mc"...Yahoo="knightfan2691"
member & newsletter editor, Faith COB:
MC's Future:
My MC Family:
Spotting MCs:
I have a couple of them but I found a very nice inexpensive one which I like to wear when I'm out to Home depot and places like that where I don't want to beat up a nice one.
It is made by Speidel the watchband people.
$15 at Meijrs.
Instead of inscribing it has a pocket which contains all the neccessary information.

I think that tattoo on your forehead needs to either be black or red. That white doesn't show up too well.

Lettitia;) :eek: :D
Another Approach Ross

Another Approach Ross

Hey Ross- You're thinking about this all wrong. Just think, if you got a medical bracelet, one of the things it could say is "This patient needs an evening dose of Tennessee sippin whiskey with his Coumadin" Now just think what else that bracelet could say ! I hate to admit it but Bonnie is right. Chris
Ross-I'll give you mine!

Ross-I'll give you mine!

Back in the day (21 years ago) they would give you a medic ID braclet when discharged from the hospital. I wore it for a few months, but let's face it-- it doesn't match my jewelry. At the time I asked my doc if I had to wear it (different one than the one I currently have)-he replied "let's face it-if you ever need an ambulance they will take one look at your incision and know that you have had cardiac surgery. Works for me. I also figure if I get into a car accident I think the unusal amount of blood at the scene will be a telltale sign that I am not clotting to well.
"Get a medic alert bracelet and wear it"

"Get a medic alert bracelet and wear it"

As I said before, this was my cardiac surgeon's parting advice.

And as we all know, the bleeding doesn't necessarily end up outside of accident victims!
Unexpected accidents

Unexpected accidents

I posted a few months ago, about the fat lady in the parking lot at grocery store, trying to grab my dog (Papillon) out of my arms and I stepped backwards and fell over a concrete bumper at Handicap parking. Went down fast.:eek: :eek: :eek: If I had hit my head on concrete bumper..and got knocked out.. I would hate what would have happened..If I hadn't had on my bracelet when the EMT'S arrived.:eek: :eek: :eek: I don't think they would have pulled up my blouse to check for scars.:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Everyone remember. accidents happen in the strangest places..Put mine on a year ago and NEVER been off.. Bonnie
I feel a little more at ease upon having my medical id bracelet. I had it engraved with necessary information. It was money well spent I feel. Its there in case I ever need it. Its a peace of mind thing.
:) :D ;)
O.K. People, here's how it is. I've been hearing voices in my head and these voices have told me that I cannot possibly have a bracelet until the following members post picture avatars of themselves:

medtronic of borg
Gail in Ca

Now if everyone is so concerned about this, I expect those pictures up by Monday afternoon. No exceptions!


Geesh, Ross, are you ever bossy. I must have been hearing the same voices (or listened to too much late-nite radio), because I had my two grandkids over today and had mine spouse take a bunch of pics of moi with them, and I'm going to have him help me get one posted tomorrow.

Bracelet, anyone? :D :D :D
Bossy Rossy

Bossy Rossy

Hey Ross,
With all the sticks and stones flying at your head, you may need to go to the hospital so a bracelet is indicated.

In addition, as moderator you are mandated to be a role model for the 700+ members here (I saw it in the job description).

Anyway the bracelet issue came up first and you are trying to side-step it with the topic of avatars (good strategy but no cigar)!

So, if you want to avoid more sticks and stones, COMPLY!
fdeg (aka Fred)
Another victim added to the pictures list!
Bossy Rossie has turned this into the cyberspace" Lets Make a Deal Show" I knew this was coming. How many avatars does it take to pay for one medID bracelet ? What about the 14 caret gold model ? Chris
Hey Ross-
Tell me how to get a picture on and I will.
Not sure how to get it done. Have heard
that you are the master at this.
Start shopping for the medic alert ID.


Sticks and stones may break my bones...but words will never hurt me..If you do not order an Id bracelet soon.. I will send you to the moon...:p :p :p :p Mother Hen :D :D :D
*pokes head back into the thread*

*wishes he hadn't*

Oh the pressure...LOL.

Aye, Ross....not so sure I want a pic of my self as an avatar...especially since I don't have many pictures of me online, etc.... But....I did post this picture once before in a thread a while back....think you could crop it so it is just me in the avatar?
Bossy Rossy..LOL

Bossy Rossy..LOL

Ok my friend..I hope you're realizing how much EVERYONE wants to to wear a medical ID!!!!! Please...Puleese...DO it! Heck..give me your info..I'll order it for my expense....I'm serious! I wouldn't be without're a much loved person...u-no ? C'mon...grant us this wish!

Zip :)

I can't get you focused nor large enough to really see you in that picture. I'll give you an A for effort though. If you have another one that I might try, just send it my way. Sorry. :(