Mechanical Valve Negatives

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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2003
Warren, Michigan
It has been 31 months since my aortic valve replacement with a St Jude mechanical. I take 35 mg of warfarin per week.

Sunday, and still continuing, I experienced my third episode of a bloodshot eye.
On Saturday, the day before, I tested with an INR of 3.6 and a blood pressure of 120/75. My previous readings in Nov & Dec were INR at 3.1.

I cut my doseage of warfarin on Sunday and Monday to 2.5 mg.
On Tuesday after the bloodshot condition worsened my doctor took two more INR readings. Each one was 2.5.

My doctor stated that the eye condition is something that comes with warfarin and that it should clear up in 10 to 14 days.

Additionally I am faced with a possible prostate biopsy in April.

I am sure things could be worse but also things might be better with a tissue valve.

Tony ;)
Perhaps, but not necessarly. Have you ever had a history of high blood pressure? I know I did and I have what they call hypertensive retinopathy. I've been warned that the blood vessel could burst. How nice huh? :)
Yes Ross, I am medicated for high blood but my pressure has been good for about two years now.

As I stated my blood pressure on Saturday was 120/75
Hi Tony,
Good to hear from you, I'm sorry you are having some problems.
I havn't had any eye problems in all these years on Coumadin, but things like that do concern me
I hope it all clears up soon for you.
I have had three rounds of biopsies like you are facing, two since I've been on Coumadin.
Just curious but where are you having these done?
Hopefully the doctor understands how to handle the Coumadin problem and also the anti-biotics, both during and after.
We have to get you better so we can meet for lunch again.
This time we could get together near you, one of my favorite restaurants is the greek place in the Tech Plaza.

Tony, sorry to hear about your eye problems. I wonder if your mean that your whole white of your you eye is bloodshot, or is the bleeding inside your eye? My mother in law has a tendency to to get badly bloodshot eyes, it looks nasty but doesn't cause her any visual problems- she in not on coumadin, but she does have high blood pressure, which is under control. Your INR doesn't seem high enough to cause a bleeding problem, so I just wonder if the coumadin has anything to do with it- it's easy to blame it though. Just something to think about, I certainly am no expert on this. ;)

Good luck with your Biospy. I guess all of us have to make a choice as to the pros and cons of each valve. You never know what is going to happen to you and if you never have to have to think about going off the coumadin for a procedure that would be great, but at least we have lovonox to bridge us over. Hopefully your mechanical will last your whole life and at least you won't have to worry about that. It's like a crap shoot- we all take our chances.
On the other hand....

I've had a St Jude's mechanical for almost 2 years now and no real bleeding issues that can be directly attributed to my being on anticoagulants.

(outside of being a klutz once in a while and slicing my thumb open, but I did that BEFORE coumadin as well)

No blood clots, nothing in my eyes, no heavy bruising...

Everyone's different. A mechanical valve will, in theory at least, last for ever, tissue valves won't. Both options have their drawbacks and their advantages.

Personally, I wasn't given a choice. If they couldn't fix what I had, I was getting a mechanical valve, period.
Please see my Private Message.

My condition seems to be like your mother-inlaw's. No pain and no vision problems. The blood shot area extends on the white from the pupil toward the nose and under the lower lid.

I too did not have much of a choice. The surgeon told me what I was getting. He hesitated when he mentioned Coumadin, saying I would be on it for the rest of my life. At the time I thought --- No big deal, just another pill
Hey Tony. I can relate! I have chosen to *embrace* my mechanical valves as lifesavers. As with some others here, I wasn't given a choice either, and I agree with the reasoning. Lots of other medical history and my relatively young age at the time meant I needed to be more concerned about the number of future operations -I can't afford the "they'll have something better in 15 years so I'll just have another OHS" approach. :eek:

I have 2 mechanical valves implanted, and take 52.5 mg of warfarin a week. I've had no problems with warfarin, but I realize I'm lucky to have a great team managing my dose. They really seem to know how the anticoagulation works from a practical, lifestyle perspective as well. Like you, however, I am concerned about what challenges will come up for any future surgeries or invasive procedures I may need, heartwise or not.

Now, if you want to talk about meds that screw up your life, we need to talk about my DIURETICS :D :D

Crossing my fingers hoping you won't need the biopsy!
Hi Tony, well, I am also recovering from a "bloodshot" eye....all of the white of the eye became totally red, without impacting on my vision. My INR was 2.9 and my BP 129/57. Was it coumadin that caused it? I don't know, but i do know that my husband, who is not on coumadin, has also had the same problem in the it clearly can happen to anyone.

Looks awful, but seems to resolve.

My PCP said that she would only be concerned if it happened repeatedly.

Good luck to you!
Thanks for the info Nan,

I have two friends, not on Coumadin, who also have had this problem. so maybe Coumadin is not the (only) cause.
mechanical valves

mechanical valves

I have a St. Jude for almost 2 years now and it seems that everything is an issue with the mechanical. When I had surgery, it of course was an issue. I was a nervous wreck before it was all over. After the surgery I was hospitalized to get antibiotics through an IV 2 different times last November. I had a fall in the bathroomm last weekend(stupidity) and my leg has been bleeding since. According to the Dr. (who put me on antibiotics again,) it will take a long time to heal since there is no skin on the shin. I have a bruise that starts from my knee to my foot. This left me with a hugh baseball sized hemotoma on my calf. Of course, I am on antibiotics again. Even with the problems, I feel so much better now than before the replacement I am learning to deal with all that comes along. I keep telling myself that at least I could be fixed. I guess I look at it as having a condition like diabetes etc. that needs constant monitoring. The Dr. who did my hand surgery in October is very concerned with the coumadin issue and is on top of it. In this area, I don't think it is an issue. Oh well, hope your eye is better.

I'm glad you are feeling better since the valve replacement.

You are right. Those of us on coumadin need constant monitoring. But it is a small price to pay for better health.

The red in my eye is gone below the lower lid, but still there next to the pupil. When people ask I say it is a reaction to medication but I really don't know.

My INR was 3.6, Jan 8
2.5, Jan 11
4.0, Jan 18
My doctor said to skip one day's dosage and recheck the INR in 10 days
I occasionally had blood vessels to break in my eyes before my surgery. Happened whenever I had severe coughing bouts or ditto with vomiting. (Sorry if anyone has a queasy stomach here.)
Have not had any problems since my surgery despite having episodes of both coughing and vomiting.

Just yesterday my cardiologist said my eye condition may be cause by coughing, not from Coumadin.

Your experience confirms his ideas.