Martin's surgery update

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Active member
Jul 12, 2005
Raleigh, NC
Hello Everyone,

Martin had a replacement of his aorta and his aortic valve was repaired (not replaced) we are so thankful for this. He will be able to get the benefits from his original Ross surgery from 1998. He had surgery on Tuesday about 5 1/2 hours and was put into deep circulatory arrest for 10 minutes of procedure. He spend tuesday nite in ICU. He was moved today to a regular room. We are so thankful to Dr. Kon and his team at NC Baptist Hospital in Winston Salem, NC.

Martin has been moved to a regular hospital room, # 507. He is in a nice private room and resting and eating a "delicious" clear liquids diet. He only took a few bites of broth. A few more lines have been removed and he stood briefly to transfer into the bed today when moved from ICU. He has been a great patient. He still has a long way to go but I am so relieved to see him progessing as well as he is. He still has several drains coming off the chest but the suction drain was removed. The pic line in his neck was removed. He still has pace maker wires attached to his heart, pulse ox on his finger, IV line, few others still in but not hooked up. His folley cath was discharged today, I know he was glad about that but he has not yet voided his bladder on his own. He is practicing breathing exercises and will start a walking program soon. Walking the halls in the nice hospital gown etc.... He is still on quite a few meds and they are watching him closely on the heart monitor. I finally feel asleep today for the first time since we left Apex on Monday. I was so tired.

Tomorrow they will change the dressing on his sternum, I have not seen the wound yet.

We appreciate those who responded to his original message thanks so much he found your support so helpful.

martin's wife
We are so glad to hear that things are going well, our thoughts and prayers are with you all and look forward to hearing more good news! Stuart and Patti

Happy to hear Martin is making good progress and I hope his recovery goes smoothly.

I'm sure he'll be happy when he finds out we all know his bladder condition :D

Tell him to keep up the good work with walking, breathing, eating, & sleeping. Get some rest yourself... you'll need it!
Great news that they were able to repair the valve. It sounds like he's coming along right on schedule, so I hope you can get some rest.
Thanks for the update and tell him we're thinking about him.
Thanks for the update, Dana. It's great that they were able to do a repair and it sounds like he is right on post-op schedule. Be sure to get some rest yourself as it's tiring be the head nurse when you get home too. Please send him our best wishes for a speedy and uneventful recovery.
Now that's good news! Thank you so much for the update and please give him our very best.
Prayers have been answered!

Prayers have been answered!

Thanks a lot for the update! I'm happy to hear things are going well for him and judging by what you've told us, he should be ready to go home within a few days. Keep us posted and tell him Débora from Brazil says hello!
Débora :)
So happy for your good news. Hope the rest of recovery goes even better. My best to both of you.
What a great post Dana. Let Martin know we are all thinking of him and wishing him a quick recovery.
Glad to hear that Martin is moving quickly toward Going Home, everybody's goal. The emergency pacer wires are usually about the last things to go, so don't take it amiss if they're left in there.

He has my sympathies with that first experience off the Foley. May it be far less excruciating than mine was.

Best wishes,