Marcie Marine surgery a success

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Well-known member
Sep 24, 2006
Oneida, New York
Hi! It's Marcie Marineand mysurgery was on Wednesday, Nov. 1st. I'm now home and getting better slowly but surely. Since I've been home the last few days have been filled with a visiting nurse and a physical therapist because my legs have swollen up quite a bit from he surgery so I have to have a boost to get up out of a chair and I also need someone to walk with me because I tend not to be too steady on my feet. I also need help getting on and off the toilet, but at least I finally have regular BM's and can go to the toilet normally. I'm on Coumadin and have to go to a nearby lab for blood work twice a week until the coumadin is between .25 and .35 or something like that. But in general I'm happy to be alive and looking forward to improving over time.
When I came to full awareness in the ICU they had removed the ventillator...thank God! My breathing is still a bit tight but the doctor said that it'll start to improve in a few weeks.
So, I just want to let you all know I made it to the other side of the mountain and I feel fairly good and am starting to lose some of the almost 30 pounds that the surgery put on me. Soon, I'll read all the new posts and see how you great people are doing.
So glad you are home Marcie. Each day will get better. Hope to hear things are improving soon.
It's nice to hear from you Marcie and to know you are coming along nicely. It will take awhile, but you'll be back on your feet soon. Congratulations for a successful climb over the mountain. Blessins......
Glad you are doing fine. The first couple weeks home are the hardest but things will start coming together for you. Just remember all the sage advice given here, rest, walk, eat, breathe and repeat several times.
Welcome home

Welcome home

Marcie -

Glad to hear that you're home and doing well.

That unexpected weight gain is quite a surprise, huh? I woke up to 18 extra pounds. The good news is that Lasix will probably be your friend for the next week or two (the nurses gave it to me with a potassium supplement). I dropped the weight within two weeks of my surgery.

Stay well, Marcie.

Warm Wishes Marcie.....

Warm Wishes Marcie.....

Hi Marcie, Im delighted to hear that things are going well and you are recovering nicely, if slowly. Each day brings you nearer to feeling alive and well. I look forward to that in my life. Hang in there. Warm Wishes 8).
great news

great news

Diana and I are glad you're home. Let us know if you need anything. We're close enough to lend a hand, or whatever.

Hey Marcie,
Glad to hear you are home and doing OK. Now you just have to remember to take it easy. Walk, Walk, Walk, Breathe, Breathe, Breathe, Nap, Nap, Nap.:D
I hope your recovery continues to go good for you.
Welcome Home!

Welcome Home!


I'm glad you are on the mend. Hope you have a speedy and comfortable recovery. God Bless you and your family.
