Lowering LDL cholesterol

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2001
Chicago, IL
Since starting a beta blocker a few years back my LDL has been higher than it should be. Also put on a few pounds. Feeling great so I can't complain. I do not eat a high fat diet or fast food. My HDL is low so my doctors do want me on cholesterol lowering meds at my age unless this continues. There is a family history of such, both mother and father with high cholesterol.

Recall mention on the forum of individuals taking natural cholesterol substances. Anything that would not interact with Coumadin? Worth a try. My doctor wants to spare my liver.;) As she states long term therapy of such could cause concerns.
Hi Gina,
You don't want to take any of those statins if you can avoid it.
Besides liver damage they can also destroy your muscles.
My wife has tried all of them with the same bad side effects.
Our cardiologist now has sent her to an MD from the same hospital. He also specializes in alternative medicine.
We will know in a few weeks what the plan is and I'll let you know what he says.
He is now doing a very thorough blood test.
He said that cholesterol problems can can caused by other factors besides diet , etc.
Things like the thyroid for instance.
I went off my Lipitor once because of cramps (my whole body cramped) - tried red yeast rice, but it didn't keep my levels low so had to go back on the statin. On second go-round the muscles aren't cramping. Rich, please let us know what your wife's dr recommends and then tell us if it works. Would be nice to not have to take Lipitor forever. There have been studies done, tho, that say statins help in other ways than cholesterol. Dr Rich, over in about.com wrote one if you care to search it out.
I will let you guys know what this doctor recommends.
We have a lot of friends who have been on the popular meds such as Lipitor,etc for many years with no problems.
But as the doctor told us there are a lot of people who just can't tolerate these drugs so we have to look elsewhere.
My wife has tried a number of things on her own during this time but no luck so far. Things like Niacin and other natural over the counter meds.
I am very excited to hear what the plan will be because I want to keep her around for a long time to come..
Life without her just wouldn't be much of a life for me.
Hi Rich,

Wishing you both the best with the alternative meds. One easy option my doctor mentioned was having a bowl of oatmeal in the AM. I am not a breakfast person:mad: Just had to force it down.:D

If you look at the Quaker Oats container it states one bowl a day for 30 will lower your cholesteral. My problem is not diet.....it's the beta blocker. If I want to keep migranes and my heart from pouding out of my chest......contining with the "plan" is my best alternative. Funny how one "fix" causes another concern!

Appreciate the feedback. Let us know how it turns out:)
Thanks Gina,
We will know soon since her appt. is in a few weeks.
She has been having that bowl of oatmeal every day for a number of months. So far it hasn't done any good.
The stuff absolutely gags me.
You did bring something interesting to my attention though.
She has been on a beta blocker also since last summer.
We will have to ask this doctor about that, he is aware of it.
I didn't realize that could cause a related problem.
Hi Hensylee,
That is good news.
I hope I can report the same in the not too distant future.
Our health does come with a pretty high price tag.
Hi Gina

Hi Gina

I'm in the same boat as you with the coumadin and betablocker, sectral 'cause of PVCs and rapid heart rate which is finally going down, it's now in the 90s.

There has been a discussion on the coumadin thread about omega 3 fish oil or flaxseed oil which are said to lower cholesterol, but Al mentions they were safe as long as you didn't take them at the same time you take the coumadin, I would check with him or search through the thread if time allows you.

If I ever get my coumadin level stable, which I thought I had, I will be trying these alternatives too.

My cholesterol is just slightly elevated, my HDL is high, but my LDL is also, oatmeal and now they are claiming cheerios will help to lower cholesterol.

Bst of luck

Hi Gina,

Don't know if this will help but I have been on Zocor (10mg) since my heart attack last June. I started taking Fish Oil (1000mg) each day. When my latest blood panel came back my total cholestrol was 102! My cardio cut my Zocor back to 5 mg a day.....have to cut my pills in 1/2 since they don't make a lower dose than 10mg.....He said since I was taking the fish oil that I didn't need as much of the Zocor....so I guess the fish oil must have a positive effect on lowering my numbers. I have also heard that FlaxSeed oil can also do some good.

I can't stand oatmeal either....must be a texture thing....used to love it as a kid, though!:p

Take Care!
Fish oil caps

Fish oil caps

Whoooooooooo!!!! Thank you Terry and Julia! Now my next question is the RDA. Coumadin interactions? Is one brand better than another?
Thanks a bunch. It's worth a try. :)
Hi Gina!

I was on coumadin for only 3 months since I had a MVrepair but I didn't have any problems with my levels while while I was using the fish oil at the time. I just didn't take it at the same time as the coumadin. :)
I purchased my fish oil at GNC because they offered the best bulk price. There are two different kinds as I recall. I just use the basic Fish Body Oils 1000. I don't know if one brand would be better than another??

Take care!