Low sodium meal that was tasty

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
I'm always looking for low sodium meals that are tasty, because Joe has to be so low sodium, and most taste like, well, cardboard to him. But this was pretty good.

Sliced flank steak (charcoal grilled) served with:

Sour cream and horseradish sauce (homemade, just mix the two up)

Homemade peach chutney (homemade, mix canned peaches with juice and sugar, add a little vinegar, raisins, and curry powder, simmer until thick)

Wild rice with sauteed mushroom and chopped scallions and no salt butter

asparagus spears
Dosen't sound too bad Nancy. Isn't the meat naturally higher in sodium?

Do you recall what my doctor told me? To "not watch" my salt!If I felt punchy to have a high sodium snack. I have low blood pressure. I did ask him if I heard him correctly;)
Gina - you heard him right. My bro has blood pressure that drops when he stands up (orthostatic hypotension) - so I finally told him to add a little salt to his food. When we went to neurologist, he also suggested my brother add some salt. It DOES raise your bp, so those of us who have high bp need to skip the salt. Where Brother lives, in assisted living, they add very little salt when cooking, but when residents are served, those salt shakers are jumpin but probably not very good for most of those old folks.
Joe has chronic and difficult to control CHF which requires him to have to stay VERY low sodium, and he also takes diuretics. In addition, his pulmonary hypertension and some of the meds he takes for that can cause fluid retention. I've had to limit his milk and have to bake bread and other bakery items w/o salt for him. Those have more sodium than he can handle.

Flank steak is beef, and hopefully has no additional sodium. All foods have a little sodium, can't do too much about that. But you also have to read the meat labels in the market. Some brands add sodium and water to their meat to get a false weight, which they say is to make the meat more tender. I do not buy any of that kind of meat.

I try to keep all his meals at 3-4 percent sodium or lower.

It's a tough struggle for those with CHF. Not an easy diet.