Low pulse rate - need help

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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2006
Montreal, Canada

my husband had his mitral valve repaired May 8 / 2006. He is not on any medications.

He just took his BP - as he usually does in the evening - and we noticed very low pulse readings. He said he felt fine...

The reading were taken 2 min. apart (BP and pulse)
103 - 66 - 44
105 - 68 - 51
103 - 69 - 40
108 - 57 - 60
114 - 78 - 54
111 - 78 - 70

He had neer had such a low pulse reading of 40. I am unsure what to do!
It seems to be back to normal now. The pulse seemed steady but very slow, obviously. I can't reach the cardiogist right now. What if it gets even lower while sleeping? Should I drive him to the ER?
His BP was like always and his resting pulse is usally in the low 70, sometimes high 60s.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
I don't think there is a need to worry, but give the local ER a call and ask the triage nurse what she would do.
definitely, call a doctor.....

My pulse reads very slow (but I use a little at-home machine) when I am having skipped beats. My arrythmias are benign... PVC's and PAC's (premature ventricular and atrial contractions). Try feeling his pulse again. Are you noticing any skipped beats? I recently had an episode of strengthening PVC's and a nurse could actually feel the skipped beats in my pulse...I was surprised at that.

Good luck and let us know what you discover.

Thank you very much, Ross!!
Called the local hospital and nurse didn't seem too worried - she said 40 is a bit low and we can come in if we are concerned, otherwise speak to our doctor tomorrow, just to make sure.

His heart rate stayed around 64 now which is normal. We are taking the dogs for a walk now and hopefully all will be fine.

For some reason this had freaked me out a bit. Life with a valve patient sure is interesting :D
Marguerite, yes, there were a few skipped beats and I guess that's why the home-machine read so low. I didn't last long but had me concerned.
Since his last echo (5 months post-op) all was normal. It may be that he had PVC or PAC. He had post-op A-fib - got it on the 2nd day after surgery and it lasted off and on about 20 hours. It was resolved. All his EKG after were normal.
It's difficult to get a hold of his cardiologist but we will call his GP tomorrow. Hopefully it was nothing. He said he didn't feel anything.

Thank you!
Contrary to what some of the others have posted, I don't think it's anything to worry about. The blood pressure numbers are pretty similar to mine (both before and after surgery), and the pulse numbers are very similar to my fiance's (who has never had surgery), and similar to what mine were before my heart issues arose. I do have to admit, however, that my HR now rarely drops below 60.
One thing that could confirm whether it is just some PVC's and PAC's is a holter monitor. The doctor may not think that is necessary, but it is one way to be sure.
Thanks everyone. This morning his pulse was in the low 60s - lower than usual but in the normal range. My husband went to see his GP since he had to pick up a paper anyway- pulse was normal but GP referred him to his cardiologist (Monday) to have a holter monitor. Hopefully it was nothing. His BP is always fine.

Anyways, when I was an athlete my pulse was in the 40s. Now, 20 years later my pulse is in the 60s (except when I worry about my husband:). My husband is 63 so pulse of 40 was a bit unusual. He was stressed and a bit tired so maybe that was the reason. We are just now more aware because we are taking BP regulary which he had never done before...

Dear Astrid:

My husband as dual valves, aortic and mitral. He also just recently (2 weeks ago) had a tricuspid annuloplasty. When I read your husbands numbers, they sounded just like my husband's....prior to his surgery two weeks ago. When he was placed on a Holter they found his heart rate actually went down to 30BPM during the evening when sleeping. He also has heart rate pauses of almost 3 seconds, and is in chronic a-fib.

He needs a pacemaker. I think your husband may be facing the same situation, but the Holter monitor will tell for sure. This is not that unusual from what I understand.

Best wishes.

My resting HR is usually in the 52-62 range. I have a heck of a time getting it up to the number the docs want to see on a stress test. I may be wrong but a slow HR should means less work by the valve. I wish I could get to your husbands BP numbers.
Marybeth, sorry your husband and you had to go through so much. Hope he is feeling better now!

Dick0236 - my husband's BP 'secret' is a low sodium/high potassiym diet, exercise, deep breathing and supplements. The first 3 probably do the most to keep his BP down (and a great repair). I prepare most food from scratch and we barely eat out but it seems worth it:)

I will post what the cardio said. So far his pulse is steady in the 60 - 70 range. A couple weeks ago he had a few days with a pulse in the 90s which was higher than usual (but steady). He is only 10 months post-op so hopefully those changes are just healing process.
