little drainage in the incision area

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Jun 22, 2009
Billerica, MA, US
Its 2 weeks since I had my surgery. I was so scared to see a little drainage in the upper part of incision. Its very little. I have paged the on-call doctor and the surgeon mentioned to me that he will call me tomorrow morning to check on it, and if it persists, he would ask me to come to the emergency to see me directly. I am little worried, I hope this is not something really major and rest my progress
I had a small spot of infection at the bottom of my incision about two weeks after my first OHS. Doctor cleaned it, prescribed antibiotics and that was that. It healed fine and no problem but do not fool around with it. See your doctor. Remember, that infection (if, indeed, it is actually infected) is very close to the heart and that you don't need.

Good luck. Let us know how you do.
The top of my incision simply would not heal properly. Initially I was told to leave it exposed to air, which i did. It would crust over and then when I would shower sure enough it would fall off and start to ooze again. Next day, same cycle. After 6 weeks and it still wasn't properly healed I went to my PCP. There was a bit of greenish tint to the ooze so it thought I had the beginnings of an infection.

The nurse, who was in her 50s, took some gauze, put some saline on it, and then proceeded to "scrape" the unhealed portion of the incision. It didn't feel good and sure enough it bled. But she told me that the bleeding was good in that it will promote healing and all the surface goo was cleared off.

They had my buy strips, got em at CVS and they were like 2 inches wide by 4 inches long. About a dollar a pop. They told me to put a thin like of Neosporin on the pad and then keep the incision covered 24/7 for two weeks, changing the dressing each day. Sure enough within two more weeks the incision was healed. They also put me on an anti-biotic for a few days.

See your doc, they will get you squared away.