Lipitor side effects

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My doctor asked me to use lipitor after dicovering a tiny plaq in my left coranary artery which is not stenic for the time being.

My LDL is 100, HDL 41 triglyceride 86 and total 159.

Considering its side effecsts I am not so sure i should take lipitor to lower my cholesterol . Or i
might be exegerating its side effects over the benefits.

Could anyone taking lipitor here give information about possible side effects. thx in advance for your help
Have you made diet modifications? If there is some room for improvement in your diet and amount/type of exercise you do, perhaps your doctor might agree to try diet and exercise changes first to see if you can get your numbers down to a level that satisifies him (and you.)
yes i started diet and exercise programme a year ago. I lost 50 pounds now i weigh 163 pounds. i am 5.9 so my bmi is less than 24, my ldl was 159, hdl 34 triglyceride 133 and total 217.

his aim is to remove the plaq i suppose but side affects bothers me a lot.
Hello! My mom has been on Lipitor for years and it brought her total cholesterol from over 300 to at one point was 117! Think it is a bit higher now...has been fortunate to have no side effects.....Deb
there are some of us who cannot take it because of the side effects. I am one of those.

We have discussed and cussed Lipitor over a few years. It does bring down your cholesterol. When I finally told my dr and cardio that I refused to take it anymore, my cardio put me on Zetia. It isn't as good at lowering cholesterol, but does a good job.

If you do take Lipitor, listen carefully to your muscles.

If you click on search above, type in lipitor, you will find our posts - there are lots.

Good luck.
I've been on Lipitor and loved it (if you can love a med) - I tried Zocor with little improvement, same with Pravacol, Lipitor did the trick at the lowest mg possible.. but then my insurance changed and I had to switch.. I forget the other one I took but now i'm on Vytorin - and it works.. none of them gave me any side affects.. but I understand your concern.. I jokenly refer to myself as a half holistic - I use alternative medicines along side of traditionals. I see a chiropractor once a month for maintenance and to help keep my immune system strong.. I go twice a month during the cold/flu season.. I utilize essential oils for healing mind and body - yet I take 5-6 meds daily, (sounds worse then it is, 2 are for BP, 1 is cholesterol, then coumadin and alegra..) first in line for my flu shot and see my regular docs on a very regular basis.. unfortunatley, my high BP and cholesterol are hereditary.. best I can do is lower the doses, but I will never be "off" of them..

If you're serious about not wanting to go on Lipitor.. might I suggest a "natural pharmacy" also refered to as a "compounding pharmacy". I have one near me, and they have more a of a selection of natural therapies which may also be more standarized to help with your cholesterol and plaque levels..

hope I was of some help

I've taken Lipitor for several years with no side effects. I do know a few (not including our members here) who have taken it and had to stop because of side effects.

I'm not clear why it will do that little bit of plaque good, if your cholesterol is good. Did he explain that to you?
Karlynn said:
I've taken Lipitor for several years with no side effects. I do know a few (not including our members here) who have taken it and had to stop because of side effects.

I'm not clear why it will do that little bit of plaque good, if your cholesterol is good. Did he explain that to you?

first thx evrybody for shairng their experiences. They are very important feed backs for me.

Karlynn, I am not fully convinced why he put me on lipitor. I don't know may be he think that if this tiny plaque forms at the age of 38, then it will be wiser to use at an early stage before it is to late and hope to remove this plaque at this stage.

perhaps, he did not want to take additional risk beside my mildly calcified bav

i hope that i wil be lucky this time and have no side effects.

btw, chris i might ask for your natural pharmacy help if i have any side effects in the coming months. thx again
It won't. I'm not aware of any claims that statins will remove plaque that's already there.

There are other things, such as C-reactive protein, that have higher correlations with plaque. I can't wait till they come up with a special drug to counteract that. Are you on aspirin or any other antiinflammatory?

You must consider your doctor's reasoning for this request and determine if it's right for you. As your cholesterol is not bad, you should ask your doctor to tell you why he feels it's appropriate. He should be able to give you a better reason than, "just to be safe" or "because you have that spot of plaque," or some other patronizing response. With a real answer, you will have something to really consider.

Best wishes,
tobagotwo said:
It won't. I'm not aware of any claims that statins will remove plaque that's already there.

There are other things, such as C-reactive protein, that have higher correlations with plaque. I can't wait till they come up with a special drug to counteract that. Are you on aspirin or any other antiinflammatory?

You must consider your doctor's reasoning for this request and determine if it's right for you. As your cholesterol is not bad, you should ask your doctor to tell you why he feels it's appropriate. He should be able to give you a better reason than, "just to be safe" or "because you have that spot of plaque," or some other patronizing response. With a real answer, you will have something to really consider.

Best wishes,

Yes i am on aspirin.

The only problem in determining the doctor's reasoning if it's right for me is that i simply do not know enough to judge his reasoning. I am not a medical person and have very little knowledge abour these stuff. When he put me on lipitor i was not aware of its side effects. So i did not questioned him. The stuff on side effects of lipitor i read on internet shocked me. Therefore i wrote here to ask help.

The only informatiom i get so far is to listen to my body for its side effects so that i can ask my doctor to stop lipitor on time.

I read your writings on statins and medical research they were very helpful. Thx and amazed your knowledge. Are you a medical person?
My guess is that he's hoping your HDL will increase. Mine certainly did - it's up to 94 now (LDL down to 80). I started at HDL 64 and LDL (ugh) 250+. I've been really pleased with how it's gone.

I did decrease my fat consumption substantially.

I know they vigorously try to elevate the HDL.

I haven't had any side effects from statins.
Georgia said:
My guess is that he's hoping your HDL will increase. Mine certainly did - it's up to 94 now (LDL down to 80). I started at HDL 64 and LDL (ugh) 250+. I've been really pleased with how it's gone.

I did decrease my fat consumption substantially.

I know they vigorously try to elevate the HDL.

I haven't had any side effects from statins.

thanks that was really relieving.

tobagotwo said:
I'm not aware of any claims that statins will remove plaque that's already there.

i found this

but as i told you i have a very little knowledge on medicine so it might be saying something else
I had some major joint pains while taking Lipitor...So they took me off that and put me on Advicor..that one tore up my intestinal tract so it was on to Crestor and so far so good on Crestor. Got a letter from the Insurance company that says that unless I use Lipitor, they are not going to pay but a small percentage for the drug I choose. It costs us 45.00 for the Crestor as opposed to 10.00 for the lipitor.
No, I'm not a medical professional.

What the Crestor trial says is that if you take very high doses of Crestor for at least two years AND rreduce your cholesterol level to a record trial low of the mid-sixties, you have about a 60% - 70% chance of reducing your plaque level by 6% to 7%. It also points out it was the first trial to get that result from a statin (pubished in March of this year). There is at least one very strict diet out there that claims to do even better. At least the statins can allow you to live more normally than the fanatic diet would allow, if you're not having problems with them.

I would point out that the brain uses cholesterols in the formation of memories and other tasks, and one of the side effects claimed from lowering it too much is a loss of mental capabilities. The trial didn't note any of that problem, however.

If you're not noting any side effects at the level you're taking, it simply may not bother your body chemistry very much. Everyone is different, and any drug that has a strong effect is bound to have people who are fine on it, and people whose bodies simply won't tolerate it. Johnny V's experience demonstrates that well.

Most people do tolerate at least one of the statins fairly well. While I don't believe they are the unalloyed miracle drug they're often pushed as, they do seem to have their place.

Best wishes,
Can Chelation remove plaque?

Can Chelation remove plaque?

I believe the diet Bob is referring to is the Pritikin diet. It was shown to reduce C-reactive protein blood levels (after 2 weeks!) which is a marker for plaque formation (just as cholesterol is a marker). The diet focuses on decreasing proteins, fats and oils, and increasing complex carbs. The Pritikin people did studies on people on the strict diet long term and found many who had significantly reduced arterial plaque. I'm not sure of the control on this data/research but it looked pretty straight to me.

But back to topic: there is a debate as to whether Chelation therapy can also reverse plaque. The main ingredient is EDTA (Ethylene Diamine Tetra-acetic Acid). Has anyone used this or known someone who used it?
I've had remarkable success with Vytorin. Been on it for a year and my total Cholesterol has dropped from around 170 to 90. LDL is now at 40.

It combines two drugs -- one is Zocor (a statin).