LindaVA's mvr this Friday, March 9

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I wanted to start this thread so you'd know we're thinking of you before you head out for your surgery.
Our best wishes, thoughts and prayers are with you as you prepare to climb this mountain. I hope someone will be able to post an update after your surgery; otherwise we'll wait to hear from you when you get a chance.
God bless and Godspeed
Linda, I know you will do great- you are young and you have the incentive of rushing home to your 8 year old daughter and husband. Best wishes for a perfect surgery and uneventful recovery. We will be waiting to hear all about it. Godspeed!
My surgery 3/9

My surgery 3/9

Wow. Thanks for thinking of me. Yesterday, I was feeling invincible. I went for an effortless 5 mile run in the winter morning air and couldn't believe there was anything wrong with me, or that I wouldn't sail through this operation.

However, this morning I crumbled! I woke up this morning with all sorts of mixed alternating emotions. On the one hand, Friday can't come quick enough for me, on the other hand, I don't want it ever to come. Any words of advice on this rollercoaster of last minute emotion? One minute I am as calm as a cucumber and others, well, I'm not at my best.

I was hoping to be a little more confident and brave at this point. I think I need to get to the hospital and talk to the doctors and feel their reassurance.

Until then, this may be one of my last posts for a few days/weeks since I access this site from work and tomorrow is my last day. For some reason I can view the site but can't log in on my home computer, but I am trying on getting that fixed so we can update y'all on my progress. Until then, I'm lacing up the old hikin boots and getting ready for the hike of a life time.

God bless you for your support. I'll see you on the other side of this mountain!

(3/9 MV repair hopefully, UPenn Presbyterian)

Sounds like you are in great shape going into this, and that should help a lot. Little spells of anxiety are normal. It's only human to be nervous about such a big event. I wish peace of mind for you as you go in Friday. We'll be sending our best thoughts and prayers and will be looking forward to hearing from you about how everything went.
Linda, I am hoping that you feel the peace when you walk through the hospital doors that so many speak of on this forum. Use these next few days to finding out how to access VR.Com on your home computer- we will be watching and waiting!:D
LindaVA said:
Until then, this may be one of my last posts for a few days/weeks since I access this site from work and tomorrow is my last day. For some reason I can view the site but can't log in on my home computer, but I am trying on getting that fixed so we can update y'all on my progress. (3/9 MV repair hopefully, UPenn Presbyterian)
Linda it has to be the way you have cookies set up to be handled. When you first log in, make sure the box is checked for remember me or you'll have to sign into each page you go to. If you need help setting up security rules, just PM me.
Hi Linda

The range of emotions you're feeling right now are TOTALLY NORMAL. Believe me, everyone goes through this....I truly think it's the worst part. Just keep yourself busy and try try try to get through this week as fast as possible.

Please have someone try to post. If you can't I'd be happy to give your hubby our number and I can post for you. I know you'll "run" over that mountain. You will be in my prayers.

I wish you all the best Linda on Friday and beyond.

As for this week, try to stay focused on the positive, that this is a lifesaving operation that we are fortunate to live in a time and place where we can get it. Try, and I know its hard, to find some calm, stop yourself when the panic sets in and repeat the Mantra "it is what it is".

You'll do fine, this is a road not a lot of people get to go down. We'll be here to support you when you get back.

Best wishes,
I am 2 weeks post op this Wednesday of my MV repair. I felt just as you described leading up to a couple of days before the big day. I surprised my family by being very calm the day before and morning of my surgery. I just knew it was time to move forward with the surgery and everything came out fine on the other side of the mountain. Good luck on Friday.
Best Wishes

Best Wishes

Linda, I'll be thinking of you and holding you close in my prayers. You will do fine and when it's all over, you'll wonder what all the fuss was about! LOL!!


Thoughts/prayers coming your way for a SUCCESSFUL surgery :).

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"We got mountains to climb" ... Rod Stewart ... 'Broken Arrow'
Good luck with your surgery on Friday. It is perfectly normal to feel those ups and downs before the surgery.....just try and roll with it and do what you know you have to do to get over that mountain! I know I sometimes sound like a drug pusher, but some folks need a little medical help if they get too nervous, don't hesitate to ask for something if you feel you need it.

Looking forward to seeing a post from you from "the other side of the mountain"