Like to see some snow?

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Just think, if you were in Denver right now the snow would probably be even with your line of sight! :eek:

Am I to assume that you won't be using that grill any time soon?
You guys sure got it this year. I lived in Oswego from 1955 - 1961, and it still takes a lot of snow to impress me. And most of New York really was imressive this year. Should have broken your drought, right?

I'm really jealous - we're not near any bodies of water large enough to produce really huge quantities of snow; schools close around here for a few inches.

Loved your pics.



I still want to see you in that cute pink snowsuit:D :D :D Where did you walk your little dog:D Bet that yellow looked good against all that white snow.:D Today is the first day of Spring..all that mess should be gone soon....Bonnie
Unfortunately, even with higher temps, our house is in mostly shade. The snow and ice around our house stays longer than others in the neighborhood. Maybe it'll all melt sometime in July:p

I'm afraid little grill friend is a dead duck. It looks pretty squashed under the cover.

O-Oh yeah! Oswego is at the top of the list of snowy experiences.

Yes, Bonnie. Don't eat yellow snow, LOL
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We were very lucky

We were very lucky

We were very lucky this year. A lot of unhappy school children. I always said that I like one good snow storm a year but this year everything has gone around us. Now I'm praying for spring. Softball games start in two weeks. I need some warmth. Peggy
How about a game of basketball?

How about a game of basketball?

I took this picture in my back yard a couple weeks ago....


Our house is the only one on our road that the sun NEVER hits. 2 years ago, we had an awful ice storm..several inches around front I said to Hubby a week later. Are you waiting for summer for it to melt? He went and got an axe..and slammed it down on ice...Bong..broke the axe. :p :p :p 3 weeks later. it finally was gone.:D Bonnie
And it snowed in the day time too....

And it snowed in the day time too....

They only went to school one day after returning from spring break.... Ry says no school tomorrow either...
Awesome snowman...

Awesome snowman...

They built this snowman in the middle of the street!!


I didn't know the picture was so big!!

You can shrink it for me if you'd like, Mr. Rossman. :p
WOW you all. Nancy I hope you have someone plowing your drive for you! Have not seen that much snow in years! The little bit we have had...easily handled with Mr. Snowblower.

Those of you from the Chicago area....correct me if I am wrong. Hasn't it changed as far as snow accumulation in the area? I was born and raised here never recall the "lack of" winter. We appear to be in the swing of some major global warming here. Mind you, I am not complaining one bit. At the rate we are going....we will be sharing the warmth with the southern states soon enough. I became very spoiled living down south for the past four years:D We are counting the years until we take another permanent vacation.;)

Ps. Rain your Ryan looks like he is amongst good company. Brings back memories.
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Tons of snow, flying saucers & kids.

Tons of snow, flying saucers & kids.

Hello Nancy,

Tuesday afternoon when I talked to Ryan he said he measured 30" in his yard, but it hasn?t stopped snowing since then.... so I?m sure he has a lot more now. I heard on TV they got up to 5' in surrounding areas. They?re saying its one of those storms that makes history. We needed it, but its to bad it has caused so much damage.

LA- Cruiser... that?s way cool! Much easier to view. Thanks. :) I hope the kids keep those ?flying saucers? parked for a while. :p They have a bus stop right outside their door... and a full ticket to ride it as part of the fees for college... so you wouldn?t think they even need a car!!

Yep, Gina, he is in good company. He?s really smart and doesn?t drink or do drugs, so he?s ?in? with kids who are there to learn. He?s a wonderful kid.... ummm... guess I should say ?young man? ... he?ll be twenty in June!! :eek: It?s funny how kids get older and older as I get older.... :confused: lol If they?re the age of my kids... they?re kids! Wonder if I?ll be calling people my age ?kids? when I?m 62 and Eric?s 42??!! :confused: Too funny. Nah... that can't work... when I'm 62 I'll still think I'm 42!:D
Tulsa actually had more snow this year than Chicago! Speaking as a person who HATES Winter, that's just not right! Glad you've been able to 'lighten up" at least this year though...
Les AVR '93 / '95