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Hi All,
Jane is still doing fine. She says that her pulse is fast and sometimes she's a bit breathless, but she's feeling good and looking forward to going home, which should be today. I've visited her in hospital and I can say that she's looking much better than before the op. She sends her best wishes and also asked me to thank you all for your mesages - I printed them off so she could read them.
Thank you Anne for your continued news updates.

It sounds normal to me and I anticipate hearing from her when she feels like sitting at the keyboard once again.

Give her my love till then,
Anne, we are so grateful to you for taking the time to update us on Jane. I have been thinking of her often and wondering how well she is. Sounds like things are moving along swimmingly and that she will be at her own home now to recuperate.

Hey Jane - sounds wonderful. Think the symptoms Anne reported are about what others have also reported after surgery. You just get well as fast/slow as you need to and when you are able, you will post for yourself. Stay warm - and well. God bless
Hi Jane

Hi Jane

Hope you will be home soon and can read your e-mails. Remember everything you read about post-op..Nice and easy..take meds, walk a little...try to eat or drink a little. Nap..Do not get depressed because you are foggy headed. This to will pass.....Take care, Bonnie
Hello Anne and Jane

Thanks so much, Anne, for delivering the news, so to speak. Jane has a good friend in you, that's for sure!!

Jane---So glad all went well and you'll be home before long. Remember, YOU have to concentrate only on getting well, nothing else, promise???!!! You have to be the most important person for at least 12 weeks. You are still in my prayers.


Am pleased to hear thet jane looked better. I feel that this is the beginning of ever increasing good health. I really hope so. Please tell her that I am rooting for her and give her my best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Great news

Great news

Hi Jane (and Anne)

great to hear that you're feeling OK. I know how much you'll be longing to get home - my week in the Brompton Hospital seemed to last an eternity - but you're in the best place right now so just concentrate on feeling better. And don't sneeze!!
