Later today

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I guess this morning they took Ross off of the paralytical medicine to verify that he could still move muscles and function properly, and he started to fight the tubes again (beside the point). Seeing as he was able to move hands and fingers and toes, they then put him back on it. I guess it was just testing. When I went in today at 5, his BP was low and I asked about that and they said it's partially because of what happened earlier. His oxygen was at a steady 93. The nurse told me that they lowered the oxygen level of the machine and dad withheld it, meaning it was a successful LITTLE weening. She said he still has a long ways to go, but that he held his own through that little one was a good sign. That's all I have for now.

I am so glad to hear that your dad is continuing to make progress. Please let him know that a lot of people are thinking of him

Well, that sounds like it is a tiny the right direction. I assume he is still in CICU. This must be so draining on your family. Please give your Mom extra hugs this weekend. I am absolutely certain she needs them.

Steve, you a one fine young man.

Steve - Once again thanks for the update. I guess I didn't realize how difficult coming back would be. However, his surgery is probably healing very well by now. Getting those lungs to function properly looks like the hardest part. Keep up your daily or every other day reports. It is very meaningful to us.

You must all be so exhausted. I cannot even imagine what this is and has been like for both Ross and all of you. Clearly it will be many baby steps now to a full recovery but so glad to hear those baby steps have started. I hope you (as well as the rest of your family) are getting lots of tender loving care and support from your extended family and friends. Be sure to take care of yourselves (eating, sleeping, etc) because this is a long haul for all of you and you need your strength.

Still thinking of you all many times every day....
Dear Steve,

We are lucky you can keep us posted. The prayers are going full force. Just one step at a time. It will be slow but sure.
We are with you every step.

Take Care,
Hi Steve-

Each little thing that you tell us is adding up to good gains for Ross. Slow and steady wins the race.
Hi Steve,

Glad to hear Ross is doing a tiny bit better each time you post to us. All those little steps in the right direction are a plus! We are all right along side of Ross, you and your family praying for his complete recovery. One day at a time!

Thanks again for updating us as I know you must be exhausted. We are all there for Ross, you and your family. Take care and God Bless!