Kidney cysts difficult to control hypertension and bav

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i have BAV and ascending aortic aneurysm. My bp is very difficult to control, I'm on 3 meds and I had a ct scan several years ago that showed an kidney cyst and an angiomyolipoma on kidneys. Does any one know if this points to problems with kidneys. And why is it that so many people with BAV have Labile hypertension.It seems like I have to do all the work in figuring things out as my cardiologists are not aortic specialists and seem to dismiss this as minor. Thanks for any info you can give me.
I can't help with any specifics on your condition, but if you have the option, I would opt to find a new cardiologist - one who has the expertise in your condition. You do not want your care to be mis-managed. I had to fire my first cardiologist, too. He diagnosed me with a "probable BAV" at age 52, then wanted to treat me as if I was 82. I did my research and found another nearby cardio who had a specialty in valve disease among younger patients, including adults (not pediatric), and the rest is history.
I had a cyst on my right kidney that turned out to be malignant renal cell carcinoma (kidney cancer). My surgeon from the prestigious Mayo Clinic said all cysts or tumors need to come out of the kidney. I've got a long 12" flank scar on my right side and missing half a kidney, BUT, I'm alive thankfully!