Just had bicuspid Aortic valve replacement...

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Cardiac Cath

Cardiac Cath

I had a cath in June, prior to my aneurysm repair and ross repair. I'm still battling the hospital on some things that don't jive with my EOB from the insurance. The amount of billing was $4900 (just hospital) at Baptist Memorial in Winston Salem, NC. It seems like you're doing pretty good and I, off course, can only second everybody on their advise of taking it easy. Just like Kate, the day I was released from the hospital, I spent 4 hours in the ER because I overdid it and couldn't get my elevated heart rate back down, didn't get enough O2, etc. After that lesson, everything went well. Do a little bit of something, rest, do a little, rest, and so on. I really hated the Spirometer, but it was one way to measure my progress. The other one was my walks, especially going uphill.
Take care and listen to Mom...
it's me again...

it's me again...

Well...21 days post op...and other than last friday...things are going extremely well.Somewhere around 1pm on Friday,I noticed it was somewhat painful to take a deep breath,...my throat felt like a gorilla had a hold it it and both my collar bones felt dislocated. Needless to say ,I was uncomfortable.It was all upper body...shoulders and specifically my left side trapezoid...the gorilla was crusing that too. Anyway...I've had enough prior experience to know that my upper spine was well out of alignment and could actually take a breath with my hands up over my head while I looked up.Not a comfortable position...but it worked.I had alittle upper body massage done by my one and only LMT...and settled in for a contorted,but comfortable sleep...kinda like superman flying...arms straight ahead on my stomach.Thank god I have a Kingsize bed or I never would have fit...LOL. Anyway....I woke completely relieved of the iability to take a decent breath and felt really good but for a small knot still noticeble between my shoulder blades.I figure I'm still aligning as the swelling above the incision recedes...but it's still pretty noticeable right now....less...but still noticeable. So.....to all you who have just come home.....well wishes on a speedy and uneventful recovery.And to all you still in the waiting room,know how lucky you are to have this site available before your surgery...had I,many of my concerns would have been laid to rest before I stressed over what turned out to be nothing like what I had expected. Thanks again everyone ...for all the tips and insight. Take care Tim
Sounds like your recovery is going well, but as the others have said, don't overdo it. I'll throw in a couple of things I found helpful... about the pain meds & one of the effects... go with bran muffins or cereal, fruit, and oatmeal. Works wonders! The swelling at the top of the incision will eventually go away- I had a lot of swelling and considerable discomfort. I began firmly massaging the area which helped to spread out the swelling and really felt good. I have only a tiny bump now - the last of it disappeared a couple of weeks ago quite suddenly.

Keep up the good work on the spirometer!

Thanks For Keeping Us Posted

Thanks For Keeping Us Posted

Tim, You are really on the ball! You are doing a great job dealing with your symptoms. I know it's not easy, but frankly it makes me feel good just to read your posts. The way you take responsibility for yourself is the best path to recovery. All the best, Brian
discomfort following AVR replacement

discomfort following AVR replacement

I have had some upper back discomfort too. Acupuncture does help with this.
so does walking. You mentioned some visual effects form your medications while in the hospital. I had those as well, but they were actually people who were not in the room. I don't know who they were. I was told they were due to the combination of meds I was on at the time.
It's me again...

It's me again...

Had a follow up with my Surgeon,Dr. Stephen Pett from Flagship CVTS in Erie PA today.Things are going so well....other than a bit of muscular pain in the pecs....I can hardly believe I had open .heart surgery less than 2 months ago. I did get a little more info on what I can expect over the next 6-12 months and am beyond pleased with my results(Though the Hospital bill came in yesyerday....WHOA !!!). So I figured I'd check in......Tim
forgot to knock on wood......

forgot to knock on wood......

Well...the day after returning home from my followup with the Surgeon....I noticed a skipped beat when I was taking my pulse,and a nice little thud as it returned a second or two later.I've felt this thud as I call it before...but it has been a while since...but I never noticed it when I was doing my pulse...so never felt the skipped beat before.My mom (RN of 45 years) told me it was PVC,Premature ventricular contractions...and to give my cardiologist a call if they didnt dissapate or were in strings of 2 or more. So I called his scheduling office(Feb 24 is his next opening in my area) and am considering going to Erie tomorrow to see him . I don't feel any ill effects that I can tell...maybe a bit of weirdness due to the concern I have after having AVR. Plus I know diuretics can deplete Potassium and mangnesiun (?) levels...and have been on them coupled with an ARB (Diovan) to regulate my BP and the effects of the leaky Aortic valve I had replaced on Nov 21,2005. My question to all of you....have you experienced this PVC at all???and what did your doctors say about it? Drop me a post if you can....and I will post once I speak with my cardiologist. Thanks again.....Tim
Please let me know what happens if you go see the cardio tomorrow. I have EXACTLY the same problem. I guess the only difference is that my heartbeat seems fine until about 9-10PM, and then the skipped beats start and seem to last most of the night. (It's somewhat unsettling when I'm trying to go to sleep and I fell a big THUD in my chest every 20 seconds or so.) I have an appointment on Monday with my Cardiologist. I called the office two days ago and they basically told me it's just my heart healing (PVC's) and there was no reason to move up my appointment.

Check out my other thread where I discussed this "Irregular Heartbeats". Everyone basically said not to be concerned.
haven't made it out to see Cardiologist...

haven't made it out to see Cardiologist...

Well...it's western NY and it's winter. It's also 60 degrees and seeing the cardio was the last thing on my list today. I will call monday....but they seem less intrusive right now. Mine are about 1 a minute when its happening...but not all day by any meansI notice them most at bedtime also....and dont when I wake up...but maybe an hour or two after....IF you see your cardio before me...post...otherwise I will when I speak to him.In the meantime...I've bought bannanas and OJ to boost the Potassium likely depleted due to diuretic use. I had been having one or two a day until about two weeks ago when I ran out and never bought more.Now I'm stocked up. Tim
Saw My Cardiologist...

Saw My Cardiologist...

He said that the skipped beats were nothing and I shouldn't worry about them. I asked specifically if there were any conditions under which I should call him back about them, and he said no. Irregular beats and palpitations can be signs of other heart problems, which he knows that I don't have because my surgery was so recent. Basically, my heart is just healing and I can expect to feel some weird things along the way.
thanks for the headsup..

thanks for the headsup..

I figured as much from what I've read....and the lack of urgency in scheduling my appointment once I informed his office on what I was experiencing.But if it becomes a worry....I'll insist on seeing him at his office in Erie instead of my Feb appointment here. Thanks again....take care and well wishes. Tim
The funny thing was that I was trying to get some kind of reaction (most by exaggerating my symptoms somewhat), but I just couldn't seem to get my cardiologist concerned. Don't take that the wrong way, he's a very solid doctor and I he has certainly expressed concern to me in the past when it was warranted. I just mean it as a testament that there really doesn't appear to be anything to worry about. The interesting thing is, for some reason I don't seem to have any (or very few at most) skipped beats or other irregularities this evening. Either that is because my own self-panic was the main cause, or starting cardio workouts tonight helped (my doctor also cleared me for those today). Either way, hopefully I will see a reduction or elimination in the near future.

Good luck to you as well!
wore the holter monito...

wore the holter monito...

Wore it thursday through Friday....24hrs and noticed only 3 seperate 1/2 hour episodes.....kinda waiting to hear the cardiologists analysis...but am out of town on business and wont be back until next monday the earliest.I'll keep you all posted....Tim
sorry it's been so long.....

sorry it's been so long.....

Quick update....Holter monitor showed no abnormalities in rhythym(sp???) and Doc said PVCs were harmless...Echo also came back clean...and I have a Cardiologist Appt. on Feb 24,2006...so I'll keep you all updated...feel great...just did a home show...like 14 hr days....wed-sunday...woww!! LOL...but all in all great. A few muscular pec pains after over stretching during teardown....but other than that...awesome.Hope everyone is feeling as great post op as I am....and my Well wishes to those in the waiting room...Take care....Tim
A quick note..... 5 months post op

A quick note..... 5 months post op

Felling wonderful......still 12+ hour days working.....and barely notice my surgery but for the scar.......which isnt so bad........just wanted to say hi to all those in the waiting room..or recovering. I hope you all have as much success as I have had from the replacement....and to all those just out of surgery and still wondering how long you will feel the effects.....I can't remember my last " surgery related" ache or pain....Well wishes to you all.....Tim
Hi everyone........

Hi everyone........

:) Just checkin in......Things have been awesome....feel great... and wishing the best to those still in the waiting room......and for those who are plodding onward after surgery......never look back.
1 year anniversary

1 year anniversary

just passed my one year post op....Feel awesome.......and dont forget to drop a quick message to your surgeon...let them know how you're doing... Thanks Dr. Pett at The Hamot Heart Institute!
Has it been that long....

Has it been that long....

2 years plus....feeling awesome.....
heard my surgeon retired this year when I called on my 2 yr anniversary.
Did I mention I feel A W E S O M E !!