Jump Rope For Heart

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
Sara participated in a ?jump rope for heart? fund raiser yesterday. The American Heart Association has been doing it here for the last couple years. It?s fun for the kids, and surprising how much money they collect.

Of course I was there with camera in hand. :) This is a picture of her jump roping inside another jump rope.
Very cool. Did Sara jump in your name? My Godchild...she's 11 jumped for me last month. She has MVP herself with regurigation too:(

That's great to see, I jumped rope for heart when I was in 6th grade before I had rheumatic fever. It's such a wonderful activity for kids and really makes them feel good. Sara is a beautiful girl, I'm sure you're very proud.
Hello Gina and Nicole,

I?m so sorry to hear about your Godchild, Gina. Yes, Sara did jump in my name. It?s a great event.... like you say, Nicole... it really makes the kids feel good. They feel like they are able to do something to help out.

Yep, I?m a proud Mom... no doubt about that. :p
Feels good Rain! Don't know where I would be without my daughter. She's my sunshine.

Will post some pictures when we return from Phoenix. :)
Go Sara...

Go Sara...

What a cutie pie of a daughter you've got. Great to hear she supported her Mom and all heart folks with her super energy..!

Hey -- an idea...ding!

Why don't we start a Mother/Daughter thread with pics of our daughters? And if some girls don't have a daughter, they could post a picture of their girlie kitty or doggie or hamster or whatever pet they've got.

We'll wait for Gina to get back from Phoenix...OK?

This picture is too precious for words! Sara is a beautiful girl! I would be proud too if I had a daughter jumping in my name! She has such an awareness of wanting to do something to help! You should be proud! Thanks for sharing!