Itchy Incision

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Well-known member
Sep 24, 2006
Oneida, New York
It has been five weeks since my surgery and my incision is starting to get itchy. Is this normal? I was told not to put any powdres or lotions on the incision area, and I have been trying not to scratch, but it isn't easy. I have been hugging a pillow when it feels itchy and that helps some, but I wondered if any of you have any suggestions. The bruising on my chest is going away, thank God. I was pretty bruised up and have been relieved somewhat by wearing a surgical bra, but this itching is getting to me. Marcie
Try some vitamin E oil on it. If you have vitamin E capsules, just poke a hole in one and squeeze the oil on the scar. It could be just that your skin is dry and, combined with the healing, causes itching.

I used vitamin E oil after each of my surgeries (waited about 2 weeks once things seemed to be fully closed) and I never had problems with itching. I am also sure it helped with the healing and keeping the scar minimized.

If the incision is red or seems inflamed, contact your doctor.
It's been over a year of my OHS and the scar still stiches at right now
I'm coming up on 9 years and still itch occasionally! I think it has to do with nerves that still haven't, and probably never will heal completely. I can scratch, but it doesn't seem to accomplish much. I'm sure it's not very attractive though so I try not to scratch!
I am almost 8 months post op and my scar never itched. But, man, is it tender. And over time it has gotten puffy and red. I've tried everything! The vitamin E oil made it worse, lotions made it worse. The best was aloe gel that my daughter has around for sunburns. But that seemed to irritate it too. Finally, I have found something that is soothing. It's a cucumber/papaya/aloe/pineapple face gel/masque that I bought from a spa ages ago. It's very mild. I think it's the cucumber!!

Maybe the surgeon said no lotion, but why don't you try just some cool sliced cucumber on it? Many people use cucumbers on their eyes for a soothing result.

Do keep your hands off it, though! You do not want it to get infected and you do not want to hinder the healing.

Good luck! Marguerite
Yeah, the Vitamin E thing seemed to work pretty well for me too. My Bra never really bothered it..oh wait, the wife's bra. Just be glad you don't have Chest least I'm hoping you don't. Thats a whole nother story in its self.
I am 5 weeks post op and mine is starting to itch, I thought it was the old addage that it was the healing process right before it got all better.
Mine starts to itch after exercising mostly, I thought of trying that cortisone anti itch creme that worked well for me on mosquito bites and chapped dry skin. But maybe Marguerites suggestion sounds healthier.
Arnold, I like your idea that it gets itchy just before it gets all better. I'll keep that in mind. I am glad however, that I don'thave to deal with chest hair!

I am 9 months post op and my scar is itchy and tender, especially if I'm hot and start to sweat. The scar also feels very dry, like chapped lips. It looks smooth but when I run my finger over it, it feels rough. I've tried vitamin E oil and other lotions but those only made it worse. Unfortunately, my skin is sensitive and when I use lotions or creams I tend to break into a rash, which just makes it itchier. I dab cool water on it from time to time which seems to sooths it.
itchy scar

itchy scar

I'm about 11 months post-op and I have had an itchy incision that is also quite thick and red. My cardio told me to talk with a dermatologist. There is a steroid that they use to reduce the size/inflammation/itchiness of scar tissue but I can't remember the name of it. But I have been wearing these sticky strips on my scar for the past month and can really tell a differnce in the appearance and comfort.

I'll check the name when I return home later and post it here.

I would be interested in knowing about the sticky strips. I will also check with my dermotologist one day as the lower part of my scar is red and bumpy.
Originally posted by barttr1
I'm about 11 months post-op and I have had an itchy incision that is also quite thick and red.

Yes....that sounds exactly like mine! The itchiness is driving me crazy. :eek:

I'd be really interested in checking out thoses sticky strips.
treatment for itchy scar

treatment for itchy scar

The name of the "sticky strip" is 'Cordran Tape' -- active ingredient is flurandrenolide. Here's a link:

As I said, it's working well for me. Warning -- if you have a hairy chest, it hurts coming off. Another warning -- $40 for one roll of tape.

Hope this helps!

Not Available in Canada

Not Available in Canada

Originally posted by Adrienne
I would be interested in knowing about the sticky strips.

I checked into the Cordran Tape/flurandrenolide and learned that in Canada it was called Drenison Tape. Unfortunately, according to the Health Canada drug database, distribution in Canada was discontinued 1999-08-11. It didn't say why. I've checked several Pharmacies, including some on-line, and they confirm it is not for sale in Canada either under Cordran Tape, Drenison Tape, or flurandrenolide. I guess we're out of luck on this side of the border, although I wonder why it was discontinued here. :confused:
Too bad it's not in Canada. However, one day I will make an appointment with my dermatologist and see if he can do something to make the bottom part flatter and less ropey. If not, it's not the end of the world. Mine doesn't really itch any more the way it used to.
Itchy Incision

I am post-op 16 months. Bicuspid Aortic Stenosis & ascending aortic anuyerism. My scar is thick and red. It is uncomfortable most of the day. I try to use good posture but I give in to slumping! I get itchy at night. My Cardio suggested last week I see a dermatologist. The idea of injections do not interest me yet. I have found some relief using Gold Bond cream.
itchy scar?

itchy scar?

My scar is only a week old and already itching. However, my surgeon said If I didn't give it to you, don't put it on your scar. Mine seems to feel better if I just gently rub it.

I'd be interested to know what you find out.
Thanks, Bejaxx
Ginger said:
I am post-op 16 months. Bicuspid Aortic Stenosis & ascending aortic anuyerism. My scar is thick and red. It is uncomfortable most of the day. I try to use good posture but I give in to slumping! I get itchy at night. My Cardio suggested last week I see a dermatologist. The idea of injections do not interest me yet. I have found some relief using Gold Bond cream.

Ginger. I went into my dermatologist at 6 months post op and did have the injection. It hurt a LOT getting the injection...she poked me in 6 places. The first few days it hurt and I got a nasty looking little blood blister like a dark sliver. Then it got better and better, but never back to the pre-puffy stage. For about 6 weeks it felt and looked great, but then, as predicted, it returned to its tender, red and puffy stage. It certainly is now quite improved (time or steroid?? who knows) but still bright red and very, very tender. I am very interested in that steroid "tape" and am just waiting for the holidays to calm down to call my dermatologist about it. That sounds like a great, pain-free option. There must be more immediate affect from the shots, else why wouldn't she have offered the "tape" to me...:confused:

Thanks, Bartt, very much, for mentioning it!


(Oh, and Ginger, I stayed in Hallandale for a month in the 70' between colleges up north..... I'm sure it has changed dramatically since then! Welcome to I see this was your first post. Please join us more frequently........we're a good bunch!! :D )