Isolated systolic hypertension

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May 7, 2010
Wisconsin=Eau Claire
Hi Everyone,

I have aortic valve regurg (diagnosed in 1992)...for about 4 days to date I have been monitoring my blood pressure at different times of the day (haven't been in the habit of doing so before these last 4 days)...examples: 157/75 - 143/78 - 150/69 - 144/64 - 141/72 - 146/71 - 156/62 - 142/76 - 138/69 etc.......My doctor visits in this past year have mostly been something like 130/75.....I am on lisinopril (BP Med) & aldactone (edema) & provastatin (cholesterol)

I have done a little research & concluded this might be called isolated systolic hypertension....the pulse pressure is obviously quite a wide difference (systolic subtract diastolic)....

Is this normal BP for aortic valve regurg?....or does it possibly mean the valve is getting worse - last echo ( approx 5 months ago) revealed moderate ....Is this BP related to coronary artery disease too - that has been my finding in my research....

I have had more symptoms lately besides the usual of tiring - more short of breath, average at least 2 times monthly arm pain left & right -last time, 1 week ago, left upper arm & shoulder & pain under arm pit to left side of chest = I felt nauseous that day & chilled & weak/was on couch most of the day....this pain can be like an achy dull or pain with heavy feeling & nothing changes it with different positions - it hurts!...chest can feel 'full'......have been noticing more 'fluttering' & palpatations too...

A little more info regarding my medical problems that could be related to some of the above too: Celiac disease (diagnosed via biopsy via endoscopy In 2005 & again in 2010), Hashimotos hypothyroid disease (diagnosed in 1992 - have been on levothyroxin & thyroid balanced with correct dosage), & have 1 kidney (donor to sister in 1992 - have had problems related to the nephrectomy=a little too high creatnine & low GFR which is diagnosed as/caused 3rd stage chronic kidney disease....

I am going to my cardio or actually his nurse practitioner next week...having chest xray & multiple blood tests also....

Just thought those of you on this site who have been through this & have knowledge could give me some insight -

thank you
Hi Debbie - I can only address the BP as related to the valve insufficiency. My problem was similarly with a regurgitant, as opposed to a stenotic valve. I noticed over the years that my BP gradually went from readings like 115/70 to 128/50. It was confirmed by my cardiologist and echos that my valve was getting worse as indicated by my ever enlarging left ventricle. Eventually, BP was 130ish/45 and around that time, I developed A-Fib. I didn't have any other symptoms and the A-fib, initially, lasted only for a few minutes and was only caused by very high intensity bike efforts. Ultimately, it came on without exercise and I had my AVR surgery soon after. It makes sense that as the ventricle enlarges to accomodate an increased volume of regurgitating blood that the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure will increase as well. I would think that it's key for you to stay in touch with your medical professionals to monitor your situation given the number of areas of concern. Remember also that there are several important measurements they watch, in addition to your symptoms, to determine when it's time for surgery, including left ventricle diameter and ejection fraction.

To my non-medical professional eyes, your diastolic pressure, while probably lower than it would be if you had a normal aortic valve, is not that low. I would think your valve is not the cause of your systolic pressure being at the levels you reported, but that it's more likely caused by one or a combination of the other medical issues you mentioned.
thank you JeffM for your reply...I really appreciate your info & relating your 'story'.

It is possible the BP -systolic hypertension could be related to other medical problems that I have....And, my diastolic isn't 'that low' according to your appreciated info...thank you...

I have been having echos almost yearly since 1992 - 2 of them last year caused by an 'incident' I had with waking up with chest pain that lasted for quite some time....But, otherwise, as stated, yearly echos....And, 'so far so good' without mention of surgery yet....

I hope you have a great day