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Just wanted to say Hi to Caitlin and welcome back. You have strong opinions, but I am Irish and come from a family of very strong opinions. Indeed, my chidhood was filled with debates of all kinds, and the children were encouraged to join in. Not everyone agreed with each other many times, but we all loved one another and found a way to get along. And if we didn't it was "Right back at ya!"

I think of as the same situation.

:) :) :)
Karlynn, that is the same scripture that brought my mother strength when her 40 year marriage ended in divorce. When I see it, it brings back difficult times, but also the realization that God will see us through those times.

Caitlin, I agree that you are free to express your views on all topics, just like the rest of us, but I'm not sure that pointing fingers is the correct way to begin.
Well I'm glad Caitlin finally let it out. As far as pointing fingers I think those people already knew, and I know for a fact that there's others that were hurt as well. Glad to have you back Caitlin. I love this forum it has meant alot to me, that's why I stay out of the debates.
Well I'm glad Caitlin finally let it out. As far as pointing fingers I think those people already knew, and I know for a fact that there's others that were hurt as well. Glad to have you back Caitlin. I love this forum it has meant alot to me, that's why I stay out of the debates.

If "letting it out" means having to disparage other members while doing so, I highly disagree. Caitlin's issues should be addressed to Hank. He is the owner of this site, and it was his decision and his alone, to start The War Room forum. Addressing it all here is just basically giving a spanking to those she mentioned and does nothing constructive because no one but Hank can do anything about her complaints.
Did you all know that when this I first came to this site, mostly nothing but debates were the standard norm? They were actually civilized debates too, not like those of today. Wonder how that happened?
I haven't got the faintest idea what you lot are going on about ? Which just goes to show what a huge clique forms the backbone of this forum and just how far out of the loop I am ? I'm glad to be on the fringes though, this place has been a great support to me and place to learn about my condition and hopefully offer some support to others too. So, I hope you can sort out your differences up there in the A list or Super members or whatever you are but dont all go and leave. Us B list members and newby's need the hierachy to keep things moving along and deciding which Threads run and which Threads crash ?
I guess I didn't read the post thoroughly enough, and am surprised to see several wonderful people being called out by name in a rather negative way. I don't think it appropriate. These are some of the nicest people, every single one of them. And they have helped so many members time and time again.

If there is a personal agenda, it should stay that way, personal.

Debates are one thing, but attacks are bad.
Hi Folks
This is a long and thoughtful post.

I'm sorry, but this sentence really bothers me. I agree that it was a long post. However, the definition of thoughtful is "showing consideration for others; considerate" and I don't think that applies here. Perhaps you meant thoughtless, which is defined as "lacking in consideration for others; inconsiderate; tactless"?

I know this isn't supposed to be an English class, but sometimes the distinction between words can make a huge difference.
Hi y'all. I've been absent awhile and thought I'd check in as I had the afternoon off (for a dentist appointment). :( Sorry to hear of Mary and Dennis' departure. They were mainstays who helped make VR feel like a community, not just an information forum. They will be missed for sure. I already miss them and I haven't even been here for awhile. Even the closest families squabble. Sorry to hear it came to that. This is a great and valued place so I hope the community feel continues despite the occasional disagreements. Cheers, everyone.
There is no war going on, on my part. I am sorry if any of you interpret it that way. I did not wish to say vaguely that "people were mean to me, so I quit" So when I was talking about why I quit, I wanted to be specific. My writing is much stronger than I am. I guess I’m a Chihuahua and lots of people don’t like barking Chihuahuas.

I have nothing against Blanche as a person, in fact I am in awe of her and I think that shows in my earlier post. I am actually fairly timid and scared by being on her "unforgiven" list, so to speak and that she made it very clear to a dozen people, when I re-registered. I rejoined, but I was afraid to post when I knew I was on her wrong list. And it was Not for heart related issues, but for positions I took that she didn't like.

Karlynn. I am glad scripture holds you up. I do not equate religion and conservatism or that you are both. I know you to be compassionate and thoughtful. You are a mainstay here, and I like that and like you. I named you only because you are a very prominent member here and your sig is on every post. You are a standard-setter and people follow your lead. I have no idea what your politics are and I don't care. And do not assume I am liberal, either. I have always liked you and this is no put down. It is an opinion about having controversial stuff on a forum, that's all.

This forum has often been fraught with controversy and hard feelings between members, unlike At P-G, we have subgroups where people of the same faith use the PM system to make friends, support each other and even celebrate holy days, but not proclaiming in the public part.

I just come back to visit this forum and there it is again. I was hoping that sharing my opinion of controversial subjects in a single topic forum would be helpful.

I think it is risky. Highly risky.

This forum is about hearts! HEARTS!

I have not insulted anyone, done any name calling, etc. But I don't like behind the scenes secrets.

Someone in a PM just said this:
now prepare for the heat, you simpleton.

And I am sure it is coming. Attacks on me, my choice of words, the manner in which I tell my story, my spelling, That seems more important to some than actually hearing my point.

all this ala carte stuff has noting to do with
I totally agree that no names should of been mentioned. Too many people have had hurt feels already. I should of not posted to this post because I try to keep friends with everyone. This forum has helped me though alot.
Is this in small talk? Seem to me that it should be moved to the war room or just plain flushed down the toilet ... I am not getting involved in political, health care debates or any other flame-a-thon that takes away from the focus that I believe that VR was and is intended to be.

I have seen comments that are out of line, hurtful and just plain mean spirited and so far I have held my tongue and refused to get involved in debates or arguments that I either do not have interest in or just do not understand. I ignore pm’s that I have received that chastise or just plain flame. I have stopped short of attacking some of our self proclaimed intellectual experts on damn near everything. This place has become a joke to many outside of the US, go figure. The intolerance of many is down right embarrassing. I know some will debate the origin of the phrase, “first, do no harm” but I could care less. I have taken my lumps before and am ashamed to say that I have inflicted a few in the past. We would do well to get back to the “heart” of the matter.

I know many think I serve little value here and again I could give a damn. The biggest shame is that many who have much knowledge and information to share with those facing OHS are to busy trying to impress with grandiose, braggadocios rhetoric, why I’m not sure.

I can understand why some have left.
I think what we have is a case of "computer-screenitis" When we sit and type at a computer screen we don't see the people on the receiving end. Some find safety in that and let it fly. Some let it fly and then have second thoughts when they see how what they've written was received. If you're here long enough - you're going to do it. We're human.
Perhaps Caitlin felt after the fact that there was a better way she could have expressed some things. But I thank her for doing follow up posts rather than editing her original. It's a rule I try to live by as well.

So I think we've moved on here.

And just to defend the health care debate - there's actually been some pretty good discussion going on there this week. I've learned a lot and am more informed and this will help me when I write my email and make my calls to senators and congressmen because I do believe we need reform. I think it's been going on long enough that those who wanted to use it to flame have grown tired. The truly interested remain. (for the most part. ;))