INR To Low again!!!!

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SHerrin Hutt

Well-known member
Apr 1, 2002
Jeffersonville. In
After ther past week of pt reading 2.5-2.5 and then it went up to 2.7. Then I tested it again today and it was back down to 2.5. Called the new PCP and she had left for the day and the other Dr's in the office said it could wait till tomorrow. I am now out supplies. Called QAS and they finally got Humana to agree to pay the last $600.00 bill. This new Pcp as no clue how to manage my INR either. I just wished there was a clinic here. I talked to a RN for Humana and she said there was one in Lexington, Ky. If it wasn't two hrs away I would go for it.If stress was the cause of my INR of of wack it should be getting back to normal now.All the family stuff is over and my youngest daughter goes back to school thur. morning. MY family was helping with everything. MY two daughters and my husband did alot of the work cleaning and cooking.
Al, not to change the subject but is the normal INR range for someone not on warfine. My mother was on it for sometime and she insisted my daughter the Rn test hers for some reason. I never did quite understand what the purpose was. Nither did the two RN's in the family. They did to make her happy .
Happy New Year to All.
Thanks for your help!
1.0 is the normal unanticoagulated INR.

Sherrin what range are you supposed to be in? There is no appreciative difference in an INR of 2.5 or 2.7. It's not worth worrying about. If your range is 2.5 to 3.5, your in the ball park. Don't sweat the small stuff. Even if it came back as 2.3, I'd do nothing for another week at least, then if it's still low, increase the dose slightly. What I'm trying to say is, even if you test 2 times in a row back to back, your going to get different numbers each time. If your off by less then .5 or over by more then .5 then do a little worrying, but not before then.

My range is 2.5 to 3.5 and I really don't change anything unless I hit 2.0 or 4.0.


Hi Al,
I guess yesterday I was in a flog from all the xmas parties. MY INR was 1.5 not 2.5 that I could handle. The new PCP called me this morning and said, she didn't want to deal with someone that checks their own INR. For me to go back to my cardiologist. So I called them and they only do patients that are getting ready for surgery. The new PCP wanted me to make app. to get my INR and to talk to the Dr. Well, the lab. app was for 1/6 I tried to tell her that was not obtion. So I called the cardiologist back and the Rn called the PCP and told them they needed to care of this now!!!!!!!!! This has been a insane day!!!!!!! How could I end up with such a mess. This Dr. doesn't want to be responsible for anything. Thanks for letting me vent :eek: And hour ago I thought I was going to go crazing. I asked this Dr. up front if she was in for handling it. And she said, no problem. She knew from the get go that I had my own protime machine and never said a word!
Are you absolutely sure that you are not missing any? That is always my first suspicion when some goes low time after time. There are many things that raise the INR, but few things that lower it. The things that do lower it usually require frequent dosage adjustments to get it to go back up. Changing dioses of thyroid or anti-thyroid medication is a good example.

The best way to deal with an INR like this is to keep a log of everything that goes in your mouth for a few weeks. You will usually find something that causes the INR to fluctuate.
Was thinking about you tonight Sherrin. How about supplements? Are you taking any? Eating a diet high in K. I know you are aware of all of these points.....but just thought I would throw it out there for you.


Hi Al & Gina
Thanks for your input. But no I am not taking any supplements. Yes, I do take meds. for Hypothyroid. Yes, I know all the Vit. K that will lower your PT.
Well, I went to the new PCP today and they tested my PT and it had went up for Tues. 1.5-thurs. 3.5 with very little a ajustment in my warfine. I really don't understand what is going on. But I have always been one that is never been the norm for anything! :rolleyes: I will try to get a list of foods I eat to see if there is anything going on there. Since it has been the holidays have eaten different types of food. Now that my daughter has went back to school and the other is back at work everything will be getting back to normal. Thanks for your help :eek: It great to have the support. Have a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!

Check the accuracy of your home testing method. Something does not sound right! It may be nothing more than false readings.
Good point Gina. I forgot about that. I've worn out a bunch CoaguCheks.
A cardiologist who only sees people who are getting ready for surgery? Are you sure that's not a cardiac surgeon? A cardiologist is an internist with a specialty, so I can't imagine why he would only see people who are having surgery. I would expect that a very high percentage of a cardiologist's patients never have surgery.

It sounds like your machine could be malfunctioning. I also don't recommend testing as frequently as you seem to be since you are 2+ years out of surgery. If you have a good result, you really shouldn't need another test for a month unless you have to take an antibiotic or other medicine that affects your INR. I don't mean something you take on a regular basis because your INR should be adjusted to that, just if you have to take something that you don't usually take. I found that an every other month test works best for me, and my cardiologist agrees since I have been stable for some time.

Al uses his machine a lot, so it would make sense that his would wear out faster. How fast do they wear out when used traditionally? I know that my cardiologist no longer uses his Coaguchek. He said the results weren't as accurate for his office as the traditional method. Probably the operator, but.... I just don't like having a veinous draw so often. My veins are awful and it usually takes at least 2 sticks, but I don't want to purchase a Coaguchek yet.


Thanks for your input. But I have always had alot of trouble Pt since surgery.No one seams to know why it goes up & down. I had the same trouble with my B/p too! I have been to the IUPUI in INDY and CLeveland Clinic, Maylo Clinic and no one could figure out why it goes up and down like a yo!yo!. The Maylo clinic wanted to keep me for a month but my insurance wouldn't pay for it. So that is why I am on SS disabilty now.