Inr 1.6

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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2005
Newton, MA
It's 1:35 Sunday afternoon, and I just got to doing last weeks test. I've been running on target or a little high. I take 82mg per week. This week I left out 1mg Wed and 1mg Fri, because of lower food intake. I'm shocked to see my INR at 1.6 today. I did have a pasta salad Fri night that may have had something high in vit.K, and last night, had a tiny salad with a ginger dressing. I had downloaded dosing tables on my old computer, but don't have access now. What do you folks reccommend? Thanks, Brian
Repeat the test and make sure it was right. I'm thinking you got a bogus result.

If you only skipped 2 mg, take those two. Diet plays a very small roll in INR. If you ate like a pig on greens all week, then maybe you'll see a difference, but one or two days, your not going to see anything.
I don't see where 2mg of your 81mg total should effect you much at all. What is your target range and what did you test last and when was that test?

BTW Is that a pic of you in a boat? Are you a fisherman?


Ross and Randy, Thanks! Last test was 6/20/06 and was 3.3. My range is supposed to be 3-4, so that was on the low end, but not like this! Will try to retest now before I run out the door to work. The boat is a Hobie 17. Can't find the time to sail or fish these days! Brian
New Test 3.3

New Test 3.3

Thanks again guys! I feel much better now! Brian
Thought It Was Something I Ate

Thought It Was Something I Ate

I didn't think it could be due to the doses, but wondered if there was something I didn't know about in the food I'd had. I sure won't forget this one! Thanks again Ross! Brian
BDMc said:
I didn't think it could be due to the doses, but wondered if there was something I didn't know about in the food I'd had. I sure won't forget this one! Thanks again Ross! Brian
You'd have to eat a very huge amount of something for a couple days to really throw the INR off. Little things here and there aren't going to bother it that much.
Inr Level High

Inr Level High

Hello all ,two weeks ago my INR was 10 had brusies all over my body went to ER they admitted me gave me a shot of v-K was there 3 days finally went down each week there after I had it checked at my cardio office I noitced a few small bruses yesterday thought nothng of it becasue i had gone to drs it was 1.5 I take 3 migs a day this morning stepping into shower i noticed a big huge bruse on my hip I was concerned becasue of my history so I called drs office went there they checked it and she said oh my gosh its 8,05 i said WHAT ! I hadnt eaten anything differnet or done anything extreme that was this morning the nurse couldnt get ahold of the on call dr and now its pass 3pm I could bleed in my brain what is wrong with these darn drs I've got kids to take care of i called them and was upset said mamn I could bleed in my brain pleaseeeeeeeee hurry up is there anything I could do at home that would help a v-8 juice i hear helps is this true or a avacado or stop my dosgage for a few days let me know soon thank you chrsitne
Hi Persian Lady, I know that V-8 juice has helped lower my INR when it was high, don't think it could hurt. It is easier to drink it than to try and eat large amounts of spinach and broccoli. But as Ross and others have said, a little high K food isn't usually going to make much difference, you will have to take quite a bit of it.

Sounds like you need to get together with your doc about your coumadin dosage. If it is consistently this high, sounds like you need a change in your dosing schedule.

Good luck and let us know.