incision healing?

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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2009
Benton Harbor, MI USA
HI All. I had robotic MVR about 2 weeks ago, and under each incision, there is a kind of hard lump thing. Is this a normal part of the healing process? Will they go away? I never had surgery before so I don't know how this kind of thing heals up. Thanks.

I'm not certain about the robotic MVR as I had the full or near full sternotomy, but I had bumps on both ends from where they tie the suture knots. Apparently, they take more time to disolve. Not sure about your incision so I don't know if you would have this issue or not? Someone should be around to help you out here!
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I don't know about the robotic. I would believe that it is the same thing that Dee mentions that comes with a full sternotomy. On OHS #1, The bumps did go down, but not completely away. The top was always the worse. Of course, having a hairy chest, it hides a lot of the bump and the scar.
Everyone heals differently. My scar went keloid and I have a fairly large bump at the bottom on my scar. I second the suggestion to ask for a professional opinion. However, keloids are not someting that are easily preventable. As I understand from my doctor some people are just prone to them and others are not. Unfortunately, I was one of the unlucky ones. Best wishes and good luck.
I may be sort of comparing apples and oranges but I had laproscopic abdominal surgery about 7 weeks ago and I have lumps under each of the small incisions.