I'm outta there!

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Randy & Robyn

Well-known member
Jan 5, 2005
Just got my walking papers and we are back at the Holiday Inn. Four days in,the same as last time.

So far, no regrets for my choice. Dr. Pettersson honestly is impressed with the valve and believes there is a good chance of it being a lifetime solution. There is absolutely no regurgitation remaining at this point and I do not appear to have any tissue disorders. Plus the On-X has a bit of extra protection against tissue ingrowth, theoretically at least.

He gave me some other news as well. There was never any endocarditis! What they saw on the echo was an artifact from the failed repair, as I suspected all along. He said it would have been a very difficult repair to even attempt the first time with my type of valve pathology.

Oddly enough, I took my first dose of coumadin Friday night and my inr was already up to 2.2 by Sunday morning. I guess that is quite unusual. They have me on 3 mgs per day right now. I will have it checked again on Wednesday before we leave for home and again on Friday or Saturday.

No home testing unit yet. I need to get a prescription from my PCP. The cardiologists and anticoagulation clinic here both said that it is VERY unusual for someone to want to home test and that it is better to go to a lab. The cardio also stated that many people were just not capable of handling self-management. That was kind of strange coming from Cleveland Clinic. Dr. Pettersson was very enthusiastic about it but no one else seems to be. One way or the other I will get one.

We are going to take it easy for a couple of days before heading for home.

Congratulations Randy and Robyn. I hope that everything continues to go very well. I'm really glad there wasn't endocarditis as they thought. That's one less thing to worry about.

Randy & Robyn said:
The cardio also stated that many people were just not capable of handling self-management.

Hmmm, I'd really love to have this doctor explain to you why diabetics can self-manage, but Coumadin users cannot. But something tells me it would only show that he hasn't kept up his studies in that area.

If you plan on asking your PCP to prescribe home testing, there is a new study out in the UK on how the people most successfully managing their INR are those that home test AND self-dose. The least successful are those who really on their doctors for testing and dosing, next comes clinics.

For now - walk, sleep, eat, breath - but I don't need to tell you that since you've already "been there, done that".
Well Done!!

Well Done!!

Hi Randy,
As a new member to this site I have been following your journey over the last few days. So glad to hear that all is well and that you are soon going home. Thanks for sharing, it is really helpful to those of us yet to go through things.
Congratulations Randy and Robyn- there's no place like home even if it is a Holiday Inn for a few days!:D We wish you the very best of recoveries. Thinking like a lawyer's wife (I can't help it after 41 years:eek: ), maybe you should investigate a case against the first surgeon.
So happy for you!

So happy for you!

Randy and Robyn,

As you can tell by the number of responses you have received on this forum you have been taken into our hearts and prayers.

I pray that your recovery will go smoothly and you can get a few days of R&R at the Holiday Inn.

Please stay in touch and make us aware of how things are going.

I'm anxious to see what they will say on the Clinic's web site about your On-x.Has the clinic said anything about following-up on your progress?

God bless, Barb
Congrats to you both....wonderful news that you are already discharged! You sound so good! It sounds like things are going better than perfect! No endocarditis after all--that is such a blow for freedom....What a weird deal you went through first time around. I can't help but think the same thing about Phyllis's idea.

Strange that CC doesn't promote home testing more. That was the one thing that Mayo did, or at least the valve nurse anyhow. But they gave me literature on the Coagucheck, which was already off the market. 3 months before Nathan's surgery, the Mayo did a home INR trial study, and 100 valve recipiants got their own home monitor! Miss the boat on that one...

Rest easy now....it is so good to see you guys on this side surgery. Thank you for checking in. Take care guys from us both, Ann and Nathan
I am so happy for you that all went so well and you are doing so well. Glad to hear you are planning on taking it slowly from here. Get plenty of rest and be very kind to yourself. This is the time for pampering not denial.

I hope this is your last OHS and you and your valve lasts a very long time.
great news Randy. Now hurry up back home, the snow's waiting for you! Luckily you missed out on the cold. But March is just around the corner...
barbwil said:
Randy and Robyn,
I'm anxious to see what they will say on the Clinic's web site about your On-x.Has the clinic said anything about following-up on your progress?

I'm guessing it will be a while before we hear much more about the On-X at Cleveland. These things never move fast. However, for anyone who requests it, they can now have it there. MCRI mentioned they already have another patient who wants it installed at Cleveland.

I am quite sure CC will not touch the lowered anticoagulation study. I think of it as a shot in the dark right now. Being able to switch to plavix would be a great bonus but for right now I intend to just focus my attention on learning all I can about managing coumadin safely and not get my hopes up.

barbwil said:
Randy and Robyn,

As you can tell by the number of responses you have received on this forum you have been taken into our hearts and prayers.

Yes, Barb. I certainly feel and appreciate the outpouring of kindness and goodwill that Robyn and I have received here.

The people who belong to this forum are a Godsend to anyone who has to face this surgery. I am proud to be a member and will remain one to help others as I have been helped.

I came to this site at a time in my life when hope was fleeting and the face of my own mortality was staring me down. The caring and compassionate people here did everything they could to assuage my fears and bolster my courage. There are no promises, no certainties. My failed surgery last October was a grim testament to that. But the stories shared here provide a great deal of knowledge and first-hand experience. And the people behind them provide a wealth of comfort, acceptance and, most imporant of all, hope.

It has been a long journey for me, longer than many but, unfortunately, far shorter than some. It has taken me to a high vista and shown me there is life on the other side of the mountain.

Hey Randy,

Great news ... so glad all seems to be going well for you! Thoughts/prayers still coming your way, of course.

And, btw, if you all need a place to stop for a break en route home, let me know.

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker
MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
chdQB = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/quilt.html
"Enough is enough, I can't take anymore" ... Alabama ... 'Can't Keep A Good Man Down'
Keep getting better. No fooling around like last time. I know you loved the surgery, but twice is enough for one year.:rolleyes:

Glad to see you well enough to post.

Best wishes,
Hi R and R

(And you know that's exactly what you'd better be doing....resting and relaxing!)

Congratulations on getting out!! HOORAY!! Take one day at a time and you'll do fine. We're wishing you our very best from now on.

Be and stay well.

Randy, it's great to hear you're continuing to do so well. And getting your inr up so soon is excellent. Congratulations!


Did your doctor tell you to get out and walk around, not to sit in the car for to long at a time? Just wonderin'. I had a 7 hour drive home over the continental divide.... my surgeon impressed on me to make sure I got out and walked around every hour or so.

Glad to see you made it to the other side with no complications!! :)
Hey Randy, great news on all fronts!

Good luck with the home-testing. Apparently Jim's doctors still haven't read the new UK study, but maybe in the future they'll all be on the same page! Until then I guess we have to all keep pestering them!
:) Fantastic news ! Now your heart is fixed and you just need to heal and get on with life. As you stated , you and I had the same operation on the same day , so I know exactly how you,re feeling right now. Two thumbs up buddy !!! GOD BLESS YOU !