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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2005
Okay insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.......THAT'S ME!! I know I know you probably are saying to yourself "oh great it's Hayley again" but I need your help again. I am so ready to just go ahead and take total control of my warafin therapy. I am not going to argue with Joseph anymore about (in my humble opinion) the dosing instructions he gives. Is it true that it take an entire week for your blood levels to show accurate reads??? I said I wanted to test again next friday and he was upset with me and said NO! He claims that testing in one week will not show the true adjustments and that at 2 weeks we could get a more accurate feel as to wether this dosage was good. WHAT? WHAT??? I know I use to test too often (twice a week ) in the beginning but have read many times here that once a week is wise and its better management and besides I have my own kit so what gives? Is this true? AL? Karlynn? Anyone? When would YOU restest??? He changed my dosing schedule from 5.0 3 times a week and 2.5 the other four days to 5mg four days and 2.5 the other 3. Now if Joseph stands correct then I have some apologies but I think he may be a week behind.
Depending on your system, it will take 3-4 days for a dosing change to show up. It might take a little longer for the full effects but I usually don't see any additional changes past day 4. If I make a change, I test again in one week (vs. 10 days or so normally).
I test once a week. People who home test will often test once a week. Since you've had a dosage change, 1 week is quite reasonable.
Hayley, it's always been my understanding that it takes 3-4 days to see a difference. Hence, I test once a week on the same day and time each week. I've been on Coumadin for 25 years. A lot of that time, I was tested or tested every week. Sometimes I would go two weeks, but that was only if my INR had been in range for a while. LINDA
Thank YOU!

Thank YOU!

geebee said:
Depending on your system, it will take 3-4 days for a dosing change to show up. It might take a little longer for the full effects but I usually don't see any additional changes past day 4. If I make a change, I test again in one week (vs. 10 days or so normally).
Hi and Thank You Gina. I appreciate your input. I was reading on another post that there is a chart I can get through AL's website that shows how to dose accordingly and I am now on that quest to get one. I love ya and thanks....guess I scared em all when I opened with "insanity". HA! I feel better now and your the best;)
Thank You!!!

Thank You!!!

twinmaker said:
Hayley, it's always been my understanding that it takes 3-4 days to see a difference. Hence, I test once a week on the same day and time each week. I've been on Coumadin for 25 years. A lot of that time, I was tested or tested every week. Sometimes I would go two weeks, but that was only if my INR had been in range for a while. LINDA
Hi Linda and Thank you for your input. I also stopped testing once a week when I stayed in range for while. I know testing too often, like every 3 days is unnecessary. I'm thinking now what if that dose makes me too high and I wait and take another week of that dosage w/out even checking and when I do check it its too high. I just think too much I guess. I just think it's unwise to raise my dosage that much and not retest in a week. Of course you know I WILL be testing in one week and I also test the same day and time. But they will be mad at me if I call them and tell them the results. (Which of course I would only call if I was too high). Thanks again Linda and I'm not really insane just scared crazy.:eek: When I get kinda high in range and I cough hard I spit a little blood and can taste blood some of the time. So I really want to stay in range! I'm such a baby but oh well I want to be educated with this and take control of the fear.
Karlynn said:
I test once a week. People who home test will often test once a week. Since you've had a dosage change, 1 week is quite reasonable.
Hi Karlynn and Thanks! I think my main problem is fear! I just read the info on coumadin you put together and feel maybe I should read that 10 times a day. I dont know why I panic so much when the coumadin nurse says something I may disagree with. I'm trying so hard to just stay calm and go with the flow. I'm sorry to be such a baby and I think if I spend more time reading and less time freaking that I may fare better. One week for testing and thats that!:D
Thanks PJ

Thanks PJ

I have never seen anything like that chart. I will study it.
imhayley said:
Hi Karlynn and Thanks! I think my main problem is fear! I just read the info on coumadin you put together and feel maybe I should read that 10 times a day. I dont know why I panic so much when the coumadin nurse says something I may disagree with. I'm trying so hard to just stay calm and go with the flow. I'm sorry to be such a baby and I think if I spend more time reading and less time freaking that I may fare better. One week for testing and thats that!:D

It took me a long time to learn to take charge. I was raised by a Mom who thought doctors were gods and didn't question anything. So it took me a while, and doctors who really messed me up, to get some "stones":eek: and start being my own advocate. It's not that I go in and argue with everything a doctor tells me, I'm just not afraid to speak up if I disagree with what they are telling me.
I started out testing once a week at the Docs office. Once a week is plenty. If I was (slightly) out of range then he would say resume normal dosage and test again in one week. Then eventually I got to 2 weeks when I was in range. Now I have a home tester and do it once a week.
For $5, Al Lodwick has a chart with dosing algorithms that I find pretty darn helpful. All you have to do is go to his site and make a donation, give him your address and it's in the mail pronto. www.warfarinfo.com
One week is quite reasonable. In fact, it is what Medicare requires if they pay for home testing.
many Thanks

many Thanks

Thank You Al, Mike and Ross for your input. I am feeling much more secure knowing all heck wont break loose withan INR of 1.9 and even if I end up a little high it's really not a big deal. I must stop seeing life as an emergency. geesh hopefully my 40's will be good to me and I will relax. Thanks again I truly appreciate everyone who posted!:)
Read your first post,and thought I might share two short sentences, that I use for a mantra when appropriate:

1. If you keep doing what you are doing, you will keep getting what you are getting. (this one is REALLY good when raising children)

2. You don't have to go to every fight you are invited to. (also a good one with raising those kiddo's)

All in all, though, sounds like you are a pretty normal valve patient, getting used to INR info, and home testing. You go, girl!
