I'm in the doghouse

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Susan BAV said:
Can you have the sharp edges filed down? Have you looked into that? I know it can be done, at least sometimes.
I thought about it, but this tooth is barely there now and I'm afraid any more work on it is going to set off nerve pain.
Ross, I've noticed you are a frequent avatar changer. Would this do for next time?:D :D

Like Nancy, I've found that soaking blood-stained clothing in hydrogen peroxide does the trick. A little spray n' wash before it goes in the laundry and you're good to go.

I've had lots of experience since Glenn's biggest goal in life is to try and cut off each finger at least once before he dies. :rolleyes: The best one was the electric hedge trimmers. Finger remains, but no feeling in the top 1/3.

And I thought it was tonight we were going to be exploding? Oops, maybe next year. :D
that oxyclean is great stuff. I've started adding to all laundry. we have a rust vein running through our property and it's in our water. the oxyclean helps.
There are two animal control officers at my door. They want to talk to you about a spruce tree that used to be full of mourning doves. They want an impression of your teeth...
Ross said:
27 remaining teeth

You got 27 teeth!?...thats 6 more than me boy!

Must have been a bad night last night...I also had blood on my pillow this morning and didnt bleed to death overnight...next time I wont floss my teeth so vigorously at bedtime :eek: .
Sincerest apologies Ross

Sincerest apologies Ross

Ross said:
I awoke this morning with a mouth full of blood, new pillow case has some too (This is where the doghouse comes in) and well, had to clean up my face somewhat. I asked the wife if she found evidence of something being torn apart and eaten outside. She brought in a bunch of feathers. Certainly at some point during the night, I had to feed. I mean to tell you I looked like a vampire that just finished lunch.

You guys do realize that we have to supplement our blood because of all of our spontaneous bleeding that Coumadin causes right?

I fixated on the feathers and warfarin-caused spontaneous bleeding. Hopefully you've returned from the dog-house.

In a somewhat lighter vein .............

There was a programme on TV earlier to-day about medical problems associated with the British Royal family and hemophilia. According to the narrator, persons suffering from hemophilia bleed spontaneously. My PCP told me I'm borderline hemophiliac. Maybe that's the source of doctor's misconceptions of bleeding.

Recently I was at the ER where they insisted in taking a prothrombin test that showed a 4.0 INR reading. Attending doctor was greatly alarmed about internal bleeding and thought INR levels were 1.5-2.5. Totally ignorant of mmechanical valves--2.5-3.5 requirement. He wanted to administer Vit. K.
lance said:
I fixated on the feathers and warfarin-caused spontaneous bleeding. Hopefully you've returned from the dog-house.

In a somewhat lighter vein .............

There was a programme on TV earlier to-day about medical problems associated with the British Royal family and hemophilia. According to the narrator, persons suffering from hemophilia bleed spontaneously. My PCP told me I'm borderline hemophiliac. Maybe that's the source of doctor's misconceptions of bleeding.

Recently I was at the ER where they insisted in taking a prothrombin test that showed a 4.0 INR reading. Attending doctor was greatly alarmed about internal bleeding and thought INR levels were 1.5-2.5. Totally ignorant of mmechanical valves--2.5-3.5 requirement. He wanted to administer Vit. K.
And it still goes on. Why? What is so hard for these so called professionals to pick up a book and read or stop screwing around thinking they're God for a minute and listen to a teaching program?
I've always been told that because of Warfarin, patients with artificial valves are borderline hemophiliac. I wonder what the INR is of a patient who is a true hemophiliac? I'm sure it's a range, but does anyone know the low end?

I remember watching Nicholas & Alexandra when I was a child. They had a son - the heir to the throne - who was a hemophiliac. I remember that he had lots of bruises and would panic if he cut himself. It was common among the royals because of inbreeding (couldn't marry anyone below their station and everyone at their station was somewhat of a relative).
Lisa in Katy said:
I've always been told that because of Warfarin, patients with artificial valves are borderline hemophiliac. I wonder what the INR is of a patient who is a true hemophiliac? I'm sure it's a range, but does anyone know the low end?

I remember watching Nicholas & Alexandra when I was a child. They had a son - the heir to the throne - who was a hemophiliac. I remember that he had lots of bruises and would panic if he cut himself. It was common among the royals because of inbreeding (couldn't marry anyone below their station and everyone at their station was somewhat of a relative).
Don't you believe that! Hemophilia is completely different and for different reasons also.
Yeah Ross , maybe you should wait on the teeth...If you are morphing into
a Vampire , you will grow new teeth and you wont have to worry about
health problems anymore either.
When it happens , make sure and stop(fly?) by my house,
I wont be scared.
Lisa in Katy said:
I've always been told that because of Warfarin, patients with artificial valves are borderline hemophiliac. I wonder what the INR is of a patient who is a true hemophiliac? I'm sure it's a range, but does anyone know the low end?

I remember watching Nicholas & Alexandra when I was a child. They had a son - the heir to the throne - who was a hemophiliac. I remember that he had lots of bruises and would panic if he cut himself. It was common among the royals because of inbreeding (couldn't marry anyone below their station and everyone at their station was somewhat of a relative).

That's the sorry part of it. Queen Victoria carried the gene and had many children. Royalty would have to marry into other royal families and Queen Victoria's was the most powerful, influential family and an alliance with them was very desireable. The Queen's children and grandchildren married into royal families in Russia and Spain and the hemophilia was spread with them.

She had a son, Leopold that suffered from hemophilia. A picture of him around the age of 10 dressed in highland style kilt showed his legs were lumpy almost to the point of being deformed around the knees. He was sent to live on the Isle of Wyte(sp?) where he was kept from view. Apparently the spontaneous bleeds into his joints were so painful they caused him to be housed in a distant part ot the castle where few could hear his screams. Sometimes the bleeds lasted for hours if not days. That must have been horrible. I think he lived to around 20 and his son was hemophiliac.

I worked with a hemophiliac for years and he appeared healthy. Then he, too, spontaneously bled into a joint and the bleeding couldn't be stopped. That happened in the late '80's when he was in his late 40's with two children neither of whom was hemophiliac. Everyone was shocked.

Absolutely no comparison to ACT with the anti-clotting drug being introduced into the blood stream.
SPIT does the trick!

SPIT does the trick!

I learned this while working in a bridal salon- spit (preferably from the same person that blead on the fabirc) will dissolve the blood. Seriously! If we got a dress in, to send off the be preserved, and it had blood on the hem someone would spit on it and you could literally watch it dissolve away then wash the area with gentle detergent and teh blood was totally gone! If it works on fancy gowns, I'm sure it would work on some sheets ;)