I'm Home!

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They kicked me out of the hospital yesterday (day early). I guess they got sick of me.

I feel pretty good but the truck still hit hard!!!!!! They also did an abalation/maze procedure but I went into atrial flutter during the second day. OH WELL! They seem to think they can get me back into sinus.

I'm movin' slow, breathing, and napping as you all say to do.

Thanks for the words of encouragement and the prayers. I'm gonna go crash for a while!

Ron - you can't run fast enough to avoid getting hit by the (those) truck(s) while you are in the heart hospital. Just not possible. Nice to be home, I know. You sound good, but am sure you are weak and need napping a lot - so do it and make the most of it. But walk, too and do the breathing thing. God bless


Another one makes the climb! Ron, very glad to hear that you're home after getting kicked out of the hospital. Keep up the breathing...it's key to your rapid recovery.

Here's my best wishes for a speedy recovery...
You made real progress. I tried everything to get them to kick me out, but none of it worked. I thought sure once all the nurses had a shot at my nude body, that would've done the trick. That didn't work either!

Breath, Walk, Nap. It's kind of a cool cycle. :)
Walk, walk,

Walk, walk,

Around the inside of house. Bet it's cold up there. Is here in Ga....Nap, Nap..and soon you will feel like going outside. Bonnie
Hi Ron

Very happy to hear that you're home!!!! It gets better each and every day. You know the motto, walk, walk, walk, breathe, breathe, NAP, NAP, NAP!!!! Tyce went into afib post surgery, too, and is just being weaned off the Amiodarone....2 more weeks of every other day and he's done. Hopefully, it won't come back either. I'll bet that shower in your own bathroom felt GREAT!!! If you can't go outside because of the weather, try walking around your house 3 or 4 times a day, increasing as best you can.

Hi Ron-

My daughter's mother-in-law had a mitral repair and the Maze procedure. She also went into afib, afterwards, but she had been in it prior also. They put her on Sotalol (sp?) and are hoping to wean her off that. The Maze takes about 6 months or so to kick in. She had hers done with the laser rather than the surgical approach. Her surgeon, Dr. McClarty, mentioned that it was common to have rhythm problems for a time afterwards, but it should eventually correct itself. I guess the scar tissue has to form.

Glad to hear that you're home. You sound in good spirits.
Ron, congrats on the successful surgery and I know it feels great to be home. Remember to take it one day at a time - don't overdo- take your naps- and remember to eat.....also, exercise is so important.....best wishes to you! ;)
Glad to hear you're surgery went well and that you're home & recovering!
Congrats and welcome to the GOOD side of the mountain! Get those naps in, but remember to get up and walk when you feel like you can...a little bit each day and soon you'll be feeling great.


Also glad to hear you are back home and getting better. The advice you are getting from your colleagues on this site is right on the mark.

I for one was never a big exercise fan, but since going through this event I have become a believer. I started with the re-hab program at the hospital. We did treadmill, bike, modified stair stepper and a bizarre cross trainer. After that we did stretching exercises and had classes in heart management issues.

The whole period of time we were constantly monitored and advised by RN?s in the room. I did this for about two months, going every other day. Have since graduated and going at least 4-5 times a week and exercising for an hour after work. Today I start the upper body machines.

So Dave does whatever you can because it will really help you recover quicker, just don?t overdo. Slow and steady is the motto.

Ron, as Johnny said, welcome to the top of the mountain...we used to say that a couple years ago and then it sort of wore off, but I like the image. Many of us were so down before surgery and then felt so good afterwards it was like we were on top again. Walk, breathe and take care of yourself!