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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
I saw my PCP today...For the first time since surgery..last March 25th..I am finally cleared for NO more doctor appointments until Aug. 20th.....(other than a 1 year visit with Cardiologist in March).....After surgery I had bleeding gums..cleared up thru some deep cleaning......then some belching..found it was emotional more than acid reflux, ect...ENT doctor..gastro..man..Nothing..and some B/P problems which is in check now with Cozaar.....Trip to ER Dec. 19th for UTI (bleeding..cleared up within a day (No pain, ect.) NEVER had one of those either...so PCP says today..You look great..see you in five months for annual physical.....what will I do with all the time on my hands:D :D :D :D :D :D and this is from someone who had not been to a doctor in 10 years....Hubby says he will miss all the magazines in doctor's offices..:p :p Bonnie
MANY CONGRATS, BONNIE.....So glad to hear you're great!!! What a great feeling, huh? Tyce is doing fine, too.....has to go go cardio friday for a bp monitor....up a bit and they're trying to get it down. coreg and zestril haven't brought it down enough, so they added hctz, a mild diuretic. just checked it and it was 131/90 which is pretty good for him.

Stay Well!!!


PS where have ya'll been, haven't seen much of you on the list lately.
Kudos to your wonderful surgeon - and to you, too. Congratulations - am so happy for you. Maybe you won't have to go for another 10 yrs? Not...........:D
Hi Ev

Hi Ev

Hey Girlfriend...:) I forgot to mention ..I too take HCTZ..In the mornings..Hubby knows every bathroom in my county..:D :D My B/P at Doctor today..him taking it..was 129/76.....We went down to the Low Country of South Carolina..Island..Fripp, Hunting..and Beauford...Great Gullah food..Ever had Shrimp and Grits. Yummy..Toured the beautiful Antebellum homes. Shame, the Camillas had gotten frost bit......When Tyce retires, put it on your places to visit..Charleston, Savannah.. Back to my Mountain expecting snow tomorrow night.:eek: :eek: Bonnie
Hi Girlfriend Ann

Hi Girlfriend Ann

You came in after Ev..As long s I have you and Ross for early morning coffee chats...:D I don't worry.I be fine..(Gullah) Picked that up in Low Country..:D Bonnie
Hi Bonnie-

Glad to see you back. I was wondering where you were. Congratulations on the great med report.
Hey Bonnie - We be happy you tomorry lookin so good and that you be findin, catchin and fixin dem fishes. We all be hopin our tomorry be lookin nice like your'n. Indiana Wuss
Tink our Indiana wuss turned Cajun Luzyanna

Grits and shrimp - can't have shrimp - but catfish and shrimp, yeah, had those. Don't like fish except shellfish and it's got too much cholesterol.

BP sounds wonderful. I wish...............
Ross..No, No, No

Ross..No, No, No

You thru me out as your Resident Therapist after 6 months and all that I have done for you:p :p :p :p The only way you can make up to me is to ??????Let me sleep on it..P.S. the only time I drink V-8 is when my INR is slightly high..like 3.6 and the only time I drink beer is when my best friend throws me off the Avator:( :( :( as his personal therapist.:p :p :p and I was only gone a week.Your Ex- therapist Bonny Boo Boo
Bonnie-that is wonderful!

Bonnie-that is wonderful!

Now I'm getting jealous. Good for you!:D :D :D
Hi Gesele, Girlfriend

Hi Gesele, Girlfriend

It was all that snow skiing 2 weeks ago..barefooted that did it..:p We are expecting more snow tomorrow night at Sky Valley in North Georgia...Might try snowboarding this weekend.:D Bonnie
We're getting snow on Friday!

We're getting snow on Friday!

Skiing at Pat's Peak in NH this Friday--expecting snow too! Skiing was wonderful this weekend until I fell at the base of the mountain. Actually, it was really stupid of me. I was going just a wee bit too fast and instead of stopping so as not to plow into two skiiers heading towards the lift line, I swerved or rather attempted to swerve around them and ended up in some pretzel like formation. I couldn't figure how to undo my position-some kind teenage boy took pity on me and helped me remove both skis and I hobbled into the restaurant aka bar with two twisted knees. Fortunately, I was fine with just a little soreness by the end of the night. Poor hubby was sick all weekend.

So, ya gonna try to snowboard huh?? Can you have your hubby grab the camera--I wanna see this one.:D :D Actually, can you attach a video type file on this board? -a video would be much better. Maybe Ross can help! LOL

PS: haven't been ignoring everyone this past week-just very busy with all my accounts. Actually next two weeks will be insane until I leave for vacation-and then I pay the price for being away when I return home to a ton of work. I'll keep on poking my head in when I get a sec. :cool:


The secret to snowboarding is to keep your right foot in the back and don't head for the lift:D :D :D I'm not speaking to Ross right now. He dumped me.:D Bonnie
Now what exactly is it that your whining about?

Now will you go in my place to my July check up? :eek:
Thank you Ross

Thank you Ross

I got up early to see if it was there.....We can be best friends again.:D I may even have a sex change so I can go in your place in July:eek: :eek: :eek: Bonnie..AKA Ross's Therapist
No sex change is needed, just a better functioning cardiovascular system. Maybe it's because you have a bear for a friend at home? Maybe send me the bear? :confused:
Ross dumped you for another??

Ross dumped you for another??

OOOhhhh, for who??? Of course you could get into his good graces by going to his check up. His physician might wonder about his new appearance though.

Bonnie-you don't need the sex change-tell the doc that Ross got the sex change and that the name is now Bonnie.

Oh, by the way, another trick to snowboarding is keeping your as* off the ground! Oh, and careful not to plow into those skiiers-one of them could be on coumadin-LOL:cool:
hi ya"ll,

Bonnie, good to hear your doing so well. question-- what makes you visit the rest room more, the hc?? or beer? Please, no sex change--"I love you just the way you are"(don't go changing):)

Gisele, I owe you a ski story-- well, on my 2nd time on skis, ist time just on kiddie slopes, I looked at the map of Cranmore, and saw that there was a beginners run on the backside of the mountain. Wow, that would be beautiful scenery and a long run.
Up the lift I go, way up. I get to the top and there is the beginners slope all taped off with yellow caution tape. there is a sign--CLOSED--ICY CONDITIONS-- gee, I not going to get help, no way, so I decided to go down the intermediate slope. there were two--SKIMEISTER and RATTLESNAKE--no, not going to choose rattlesnake, so down I go-- no fun--a battle, fighting it all the way, digging in aggressivly. at the halfway mark I stopped--big mistake--now I had to dig up the courage to start again. well, I made it all the way, I was proud and angry. I went to the lift guy and told him the story, he called on the phone and said "you're right, it is closed, sorry, we screwed up!:mad:
How do you like that?


Actually it reminded me of the time my daughter in law came to the states from Australia for the first time. She wanted to try skiing (growing up in the tropics), and we brought her for her first time to a small local mountain. She did well and for her second time we brought her to Waterville Valley. We went to the top of the mountain, she took one look down and before my son and I even had a chance to realize what happened she had gone back to the lift, told the guy sitting in the booth that he had better get her back on that lift, that she was NOT skiing down! She then went to the beginners slope and now you should see her go!

I am proud of you Ram. Ya done well! I saw three different guys walking down the lower slope last Saturday with their skis in their hands. At least you made it down on skis!:D :D

Have you been since?