im back from the hospital allready!

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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2006
its seems quite amazing actually. i came out of surgery 6pm on friday. they put me in the sicu and then moved me to the cardiac unit on saturday afternoon. i was then in that unit until yesterday (monday) when I was discharged. incredibly fast! im glad though cause the longer your in the hospital, the better chance of staff infections and the like. Now im just chillin at my parents house for the next couple weeks.
and the worse parts? Nausea. definitely nausea. i was so sick in the sicu. i was dying of thirst but everytime i took a drink i would throw it up (and with chest tubes thats not fun). this went on for awhile so they stopped the morphine and some other medication i didnt recognize. i was still sick but i could keep my food down. my appetite is getting better by the day so thats good.
Now my biggest problem besides having to shuffle everywhere is the horrendous neck ache i got from the hospital beds. ok and the memory of having my catheter pulled out.
Welcome back! I also had my surgery on Friday and was discharged Monday - which seemed SUPER fast to me as well. Anyways, glad to hear that all is well, and make sure you stay caught up with your "jobs" (eating, sleeping, breathing, walking).
Man, that was fast. Good to hear that you are well and in a good mind set. Congrats and I wish the best recovery ever!! Keep us posted. Welcome back!!
WELCOME HOME, and congratulations on a successful surgery. They must have been so tired of your nausea, that they kicked you out:D! You sound great, and it's all easy from now on. Just take it slowly and try to not over do. I think my neck was killing me from watching the TV that was almost on the ceiling, but those hospital pillows feel like they are stuffed with a stack of newspapers. Try to get some good neck massages, and get one of those heating pads that warm up in the microwave.
Keep us posted!
So glad to see you home and doing so well. Don't forget to walk- an important part of recovery and enjoy all the TLC and massages from your family.
Glad to hear that you skated through the hospital's revolving doors! That was stupendous!

Yeah, know what you mean about nausea. I had that, too, in recovery and in my private room. (I've never been to handle the smell of pancakes and I tried to tell them, but they wouldn't listen and guess what they brought me :eek: ... :eek: oh, well!)

Take it easy for the next several weeks. Thanksgiving is 2 weeks away, so you should be able to visit with family then. They'll probably want to wait on you hand and foot. If so, let 'em.
I also was very nauseous the first couple of days and threw up everything. They gave me some medication for it. I would definitely say that that was the worst part of it all. Don't worry. Your appetite will be totally back way before Thanksgiving!! I also agree about the hospital beds. I barely slept in the hospital. Oh! Having the catheters pulled out brought back memories. There was one of the draining tubes that the nurses could not get out, so the nurse said "We'll just cut it and leave it in"!!! I said "Isn't that dangerous?" She said that what was dangerous was forcing it out. She said that it would show up on x-rays. So, I have wires and a part of a catheter that will show up!!
Glad you are home and on the road to recovery. My hospital stay was also very short and fine with me. My surgeon said 'Hospitals are for sick people, get the heck out of here'. I didn't have the nausea, but nothing tasted good for a week or so. When things tasted better I got my appetite back and you will too. As others said, rest, walk, eat, breathe and repeat constantly.

BTW, I see you're from SLC. Did you have your surgery at LDS hospital by chance? I lived in SLC for 8 years and had my prostate surgery there and care there was phenomenal.
Wow.. that was fast!!
You are probably feeling sick from the narcotics.. very common side effect..
Hopefully you will start feeling better in that department soon.:)
Glad to hear you are back with us! Congradulations on moving on. Hope things get better day by day.
Glad you are home. The nausea is terrible and I've had it for each and every surgery I've ever had. It will get better though. Get plenty of rest and walk when possible and you will be better before you know it. Good luck with your recovery. Keep us all posted on your progress.

Welcome home! Glad things went well. I had a lot of nausea after my first operation, none this time. Go figure. But it will probably get better in a little while. I actually had a big apetite for a while after my surgery. I ate a lot but didn't gain weight - I guess the body needs energy to heal!