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Well-known member
Mar 17, 2014
Hertfordshire in the UK
Hi everyone,

Red here, had my ARV surgery last Saturday.

2 days in ITU, then back to my room and home (3 days later) Thursday - what a blast !

All good here, just wanted to say a hugh thank you to everyone here for all your support, advice and practical tips (especially the bras ladies).

Head still a little swimy, so will post a fuller account of my experience soon.

Red xx
Chiming in from Washington DC, let's keep this truly international WELCOME BACK! Take it easy and speedy recovery!

I don't know if it's too late, but try to grab a couple extras of those surgical bras while in the hospital. I had the nurse order me a new one each day so it would be clean and stowed the previous one to wash when home. 4 weeks out and I'm still using mine day and night. I find it really, really helps making sleeping at night more comfortable. I can't stand the feel of things on my chest skin, so wear the bra outside my soft PJs. Looks ridiculous but feels so much better and gives the needed support.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery and again, welcome back!