I want a body transplant!!

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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2002
With me there is always some part of this defective useless body causing me more trouble!:mad: Now it is outrageously high BP.I began having some blurry vision. Since I am fairly nearsighted anyway without my glasses I couldn't tell much difference. Ijust thought I neede new glasses. I also had some headaches which are common whe I need ed new glasses. I started having a nose bleed Friday morning around 5 am. When my home health aide arrived to help me shower she checked my bp it was 185/110. We spoke to my doc who called in some meds for me, after jokingly suggesting an enema :rolleyes:. THESE 2 MEDS ARE BARELY KEEPING MY BP AT THE LEVE L HE WANTS my bp
I have to let him know how they worked when I talk to him Monday.

Sorry hon. I feel the same way. I was trying to work on my furnace, which I've done for years, and just couldn't do it this time. I broke down in tears. I feel like every day, another piece of me is being trashed.

The problem with BP is, there are so many things that can cause it, that really, sometimes they never identify the cause. It's one of those things that is really weird. Mine was always high until I had my GI bleed. Since then, it's been very low and stable. Go figure.
I am fortunate and don't' have any BP issues but my wife's BP is out of control nd they are always trying different meds and the up it goes again ... I feel for you .... of course her problem could be me:rolleyes:
I am fortunate and don't' have any BP issues but my wife's BP is out of control nd they are always trying different meds and the up it goes again ... I feel for you .... of course her problem could be me:rolleyes:

Ya think? :D
I am fortunate and don't' have any BP issues but my wife's BP is out of control nd they are always trying different meds and the up it goes again ... I feel for you .... of course her problem could be me:rolleyes:

Quite possibly! :) She might be stressing herself out in regards to your cardiac history. On the other hand she might be worrying that she cannot get shot of you! :):)
Thanks Ross it is nice to know I'm not the only VRfalling apart walking disaster!
I hope the nosebleed is settled and no more
and your blood pressure pills make a difference
your appt. Monday {{hugs}} we all have these
don't we.Keep us updated....Prayers for u:)

zipper2 (DEB)