I tried................

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This has to be very confusing for you. I'm so sorry you are still so uncertain as to what is going on. They will need to do the angio before the ablation (because that's how they get in there to do the ablation.) Hopefully they will get a good picture of what is going on in your heart.

I'm wondering if any of your meds could be contributing to your exhaustion.

I'm very concerned to read the despiration in your post. I also have been to that point of despiration where being a Mom was really the only thing that made me feel I needed to stick around. I went through 4 doctors who didn't seem to know or care, or both, about what I was going through. I finally found one that did. I just want to encourage you to hang in there. There are answers. And they may come through uncoventional routes. Maybe your angio on Friday will show the doctors something they haven't considered. Maybe the simple fact that you will be there for tests will give them the time around you to see what is going on.

Don't hesitate to keep asking the questions:
You're doing the angio on me for ....?
Why do you think I need the ablation?
Why are you considering a pacemaker?

If any of there answers do not describe you - be sure and tell them and direct them to things that do describe you. As long as you're going to be there - take advantage of the situation.

You will remain in my prayers.
Hi Jackie - So sorry to hear the way you have been treated. Some of these Cardio's can be such bad listeners which then leads them to be so slow at admitting they may have overlooked something. Why do they think we make these symptoms up? Who would want to inflict OHS on themselves unnecessarily?

It is good that he has got you going back for more tests but I would be inclined to still get another opinion. At least to be seeing a cardio that you have a better rapor with. What does your GP think? It was only the day before yesterday that I lost my patience and tolerance with my cardio and when I discussed it with my GP. She agreed that I was justified in getting a second, or even a third opinion. Her words, " do not feel that you need to apologies for going elsewhere. Today people are better informed and if you are not being treated properly, move on". She said that she would be doing exactly the same thing. I hope this is possible to do in your health system.

As for things can't change in 6months, that is absolute BS. I was on 6mth echos and about 3 months after my last echo I started to notice my excersie tolerance decreasing, my swim times increaseing, my heart pounding out of my chest etc, went back and had another echo at 4mths mark and was told that surgery was necessary within 12mths. I then had a TEE and was told I needed surgery in the next 4-6 weeks as I was going down hill so quickly. We are all different and your cardio needs to accept this, just as we all have different side effect to different drugs.

It was a good point made by someone, make a list of questions to take and don't let the cardio bully you into not answering all of the questions. After all that is what they are getting paid to do. Take someone along with you, that also helps. Sometimes the second person may listen better than the patient and if you miss something they can help you to follow what the Dr has said.
I found that the my cardio always listened more intently when I had my wife along to consults.

Sorry if that is a bit long winded. I am probably still getting over my stoush with my cardio earlier in the week.:confused:

;) Good luck. I hope things start to improve from here.

*There was no mention of a TEE (Toe here). Iv been reading up on the ablation, and it seems they put a line in your neck and a line in your groin, and run a wire into the heart. Then they send shocks into the heart to instigate arrthymias, and burn the heart to knock out the pathway that the signal was passing through. It can take from 2 to 7 hours, depending on how many burns etc need to be done.

I did leave the list of symptoms on his desk so mabey I read it after I left...seems like something happened to change things !!!!!

Nancy, mabey I should give him our vr.com address when I go up there...he might learn a thing or two.!!!!!

Im not to take any meds tonight or tomorrow night which is a bit worrying caus my heart will surely be acting up tomorrow. Iv been on a beta blocker for about 14 years....eek.
Marsha....sorry, I dont recoginse 'Eireannach'...it could be a very old Irish word. Some of the Gaelic words have changed over the years.

*Nancy....that made me laugh. We know what a ''high wedgie'' is alright. Hmmm, might be something to think about when Im up there.
Jacqui, you probably will be feeling very uncomfortable off the meds. But maybe it's a good thing that they see you like that. Will someone be going with you on Friday??? I hope!
I am really glad your cardio finally decided it was urgent (like duh :rolleyes: )! Before reading that post of yours, I was going to say that as soon as you get the CT for your son, to go to the ER immediately. Now, at least you don't have to do that. I will be thinking about you again on Friday.
Oh my goodness Jacqui, I am so sorry that you have been treated so poorly by your cardio. It does sound as though he read the list you left behind.

But I agree that it would be a very good idea to have someone with you on Friday to ask questions and be your advocate. You are entitiled to know what is going on....why they are acting so quickly and why they are choosing this particular course of action.

Friday is too soon for you to be able to get a third opinion, but I do think that that should be pursued.

Good luck. We'll look forward to hearing from you.
I am so sorry to hear about all the different things you are experiencing. I noticed that in other posts you mentioned your son having problems also and being evaluated for possible connective tissue disorders.

Some of the "syndromes" that affect various parts of the body have been identified and given names - such as Marfan, Eherlers-Danlos, etc. However, there seem to be people who do not fit exactly into any of these categories but clearly have "connective tissue" problems in their bodies. Problems with things like swallowing should be taken seriously, along with everything else about your body!

I want to encourage you to insist that they check you for the most life-threatening things associated with connective tissue disorders, including dilation/aneurysm/coarctation of the aorta and abnormalities of the head and neck vessels.

You have my best wishes for all things good,
Hi everyone, Yesterday when I got the phone call to be in hospital tomorrow FRi. the cardio secretary said I would need to say in Dublin tomorrow night(presumably in case something goes wrong) That means I would have to stay in a B&B on my own, as I dont have somebody to come up with me tomorrow. I thought about it overnight and have decided I wouldnt feel safe being alone in a B&B in Dublin just after having this procedure done, so I rang the sec. thismorning and she said she will say this to Dr. Foley but she thinks he probably wont do it if I cant stay in Dublin that night. She will ring me back later to tell me what he says.....on and on this saga goes.!!!

By the way, Its only 12 hours since I 'should' have taken my meds and already my heart is beating much faster, even while sitting down.
EireCara said:
Hi everyone, Yesterday when I got the phone call to be in hospital tomorrow FRi. the cardio secretary said I would need to say in Dublin tomorrow night(presumably in case something goes wrong) That means I would have to stay in a B&B on my own, as I dont have somebody to come up with me tomorrow. I thought about it overnight and have decided I wouldnt feel safe being alone in a B&B in Dublin just after having this procedure done, so I rang the sec. thismorning and she said she will say this to Dr. Foley but she thinks he probably wont do it if I cant stay in Dublin that night. She will ring me back later to tell me what he says.....on and on this saga goes.!!!

By the way, Its only 12 hours since I 'should' have taken my meds and already my heart is beating much faster, even while sitting down.

I think you should really consider finding someone to stay with you in Dublin. I wouldn't delay the procedure-- especially after stopping your meds.
Hi Mary....I know its hard to understand, but I actually dont have anyone to come with me. I dont have any family and 1 of my friends has to work and the other is looking after my kids.
EireCara said:
Hi Mary....I know its hard to understand, but I actually dont have anyone to come with me. I dont have any family and 1 of my friends has to work and the other is looking after my kids.

Can't you take one of your older children just so there would be someone with you in the event you had trouble and needed them to make a call?

I'm afraid the cardio is apt to dismiss the seriousness of your concerns if you don't make the trip a priority.
Another option might be asking them if you could stay over in the hospital???
*Just had a call from cardio secretary and Cardio said ...if he can instigate the arhythmia and do the ablation I will be kept in the hospital overnight. If he cant, and only does the angio he wants me to stay in a B&B ....so I said I will go ahead because I dont mind being on my own in a B&B if I havent had the ablation. I feel it will be ok to be alone after the angio. So, its definitely happening, Thank God.
Good news, Jackie- Best wishes for a successful procedure and meaningful results. Godspeed!
Thanks everyone....sorry I havent been on for most of the day....my internet was down. Its 7.30pm here now, so Im starting to worry a bit...mostly about leaving my kids, and what would happen to them if I didnt come home....doesnt bear thinking about. Can only imagine what it was like for all you guys who have gone for the ''BIG ONE'' eeeeek.
Even if you are only having an angio make sure they are aware that you will be totally alone in the B&B. When I went to St George's Hospital for mine they wouldn't allow me to be alone that first night. I wasn't allowed to stay in their patient/relative hostel because of being alone. They put me in a neurological rehabilitation centre (as accommodation was available there) and a nurse popped her head in my room every hour to check on me.
Jacqui .. You are definitely in my thoughts and prayers!