I?m back once again?.

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Well-known member
Oct 11, 2006
Monmouth Junction, NJ (7/09) Bel Air, MD
I?m sure you did not even know I was gone BUT I?m back once again?.

Yes, I was gone for a week. I admitted myself to ER Last Sat, Dec 9th. I had some pain when I breath (inhale) on both sideds of my chest and around the kidney areas. The pain was bad enough that I started to take shallow breath and was getting very tired. Everyone said go check it; so I did.

After many x-rays, CT and other tests, they found fluid around the heart. It appeared ?severe? and my cord scheduled me for a procedure to drain the fluid. This would have been drained using a needle inserted below the chest cage pointing tward the sack around the heart. Just the thought of it scared the heck out of me.
My cord and surgeon discussed the issue and agreed since the heart was not impeded, they should wait a day or two and reassess. I took some anti-inflammatory medicine and in two days repeated the tests. Fluid was at minimum. THANK GOD

They kept me for 4 days to regulate me comiden and take me off haprain (sp?)

So I?m back. :D

I think the fluid build-up was due to the 13.6 INR after leaving the surgery at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital. I thought you guys might want to know.

Also FYI, Robert Wood Johnson Hospital?s staff is absolutely excellent in every way. I was absolutely impressed with the nurses, technicians, and most off all the doctors that came to see me; top notch.

It made me wish that they used the On-X valve; I would?ve never strayed away from home. I discussed that issue with my cardiologist (he is part of the Card department at Robert Wood Johnson Hospital) and he told me that he will defently bring that up during the next meeting.

Hi Farid.....

Hi Farid.....

*Hi Farid.....wow you've been having a rough week...poor you ))))hugs(((( I hope you are feeling better and it hasnt dented your confidence too much. Hang in there...best wishes, Jacqui. 8)
Sorry to hear of your problems but happy that the meds worked and they could avoid the invasive procedure.

Here's hoping for some calm time for you.
So glad the meds worked and you didn't have to have it drained. Maybe you can be a pioneer in getting the hospital to use the On-X Valve! Best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season.:)
We knew you were gone, Farid. But people often go back to their lives shortly after surgery, only stopping back for a valve anniversary or a question. And they're always welcome back.

I had my surgery done at RWJ, so you're preaching to the choir. It was an excellent place to be, if you had to be away from home.

What happened to you is not that unusual, but I'm glad you were able to use the drugs instead of the other procedure.

That never would have happened to me. If they had told me they were going to jab a needle into me below the chest cage and up into my pericardial sac, I'm quite sure I'd have lost all that extra fluid right on the spot - even if we were still standing in the office.

Best wishes,
Welcome home again!! Best wishes for a more boring recovery from here on out!!
Welcome back. Sorry you had the fluid problem, but happy to hear they could reduce your fluid with meds. I had a fluid problem resulting in Pericardial Tamponade which they also thought was caused by my INR while I was taking Coumadin. They ended up taking me off the Coumadin, since it was only a short-term precaution as I had a valve repair not replacement. I ended up getting drained surgically as neither the meds or the needle worked.

All the best,
Yes, we noticed your abscense! Sorry you had another "bump in the road". As others have said, it's not uncommon. Hope the rest of your recovery is very boring!
Farid said:
I’m sure you did not even know I was gone BUT I’m back once again….

What I meant to say is.....…
I’m sure you did not know I was gone since it’s been only a week BUT I’m back once again.
Something like that....….:eek:

Thank you guys for your support....
So glad to hear that the fluid is resolving on its own with anti-inflammatories.
In case you should need a tap, it is very easy for the patient when expertly done.

With my husband's last surgery, there had been a little post op bleeding that stopped but apparently "irritated" things and fluid showed up on both sides. He had a tap on the right side only, done right in his hospital room. He was apprehensive about having it done, but it went very smoothly and easily - I was there with him. He felt so much better once the fluid was gone. Given the bloodiness, I doubt it would have resolved with medication and the relief was definitely worth it.

I knew the doctor that did the procedure on him was very expert at it - he has done taps on others I know. As with everything else, it seemed so simple when he did it - but I would not want someone less skilled doing it to my husband or myself.

Best wishes,