I Am Still Alive Everyone

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Just been under the weather since just before Christmas and now feeling better. For those who need to know, I have had a bad winter cold, no not the flu. But I also had to go the pcp a second time because my left ear clogged up from fluid build up. I sleep on the left side since my surgery and the stuff from the cold clogged up tge left. I am doing much better, after getting medicated. Now we are waiting for the snow to come to the midwest. We are praying in Missouri, in parts where we have been missed. Otherwise, I am doing fine, INR is up to 3.0, normal.

Everyone take care and be careful in he cold and ice. And Bundle up in the cold. I will be posting more soon. Don't worry, be happy.

Aortic valve replacement
St Jude's Valve
Glad to hear from you Caroline-

You take care and don't catch any more colds or anything else either. Bundle up and watch that snow.
It's good to hear from you. I'm sorry that you haven't been feeling well. It seems a lot of people were sick around the holidays. I know practically everyone in my family was. It just kept getting passed around. I'm glad to hear you are on some meds and feeling better.

Take Care!
Feeling Much Better

Feeling Much Better

I am feeling much better now. Gave myself time to rest and went to the doctor twice for meds. We just got snow twice in the past week, so hope that will cut down some of the cold viruses that have been making the rounds. We have had schools close over the flu for the past month. So I hope this cold stuff goes away soon. But I am feeling better. Thanks and keep hanging in there everyone.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve


I'm glad to hear your feeling better, it's been a cold winter everywhere this year.

Ears clogging up can feel pretty bad, and of course we have to be careful with any other meds we are taking along with our coumadin/warfarin.

It's great that you were able to keep your inr level up.

stay warm and healthy,

Caroline, nice to see you. Sorry you have been ill. I had it, too over Christmas - it was awful and took lots of antibiotics before it began to clear. Dr's office said it was a virus - whatever it was, hope I never see it again. Guess you feel that way, too. Best wishes for a speedy complete recovery. God bless


Glad to see you posting again. Watch out for other sickies...they say the flu is starting up now. Oh joy! Take care!