I am so sad Tonight

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Supporting Member
Jul 6, 2001
Liverpool England
Michael a very dear friend of ours died yesterday with a heart problem

He had been seeing a cardiologist once a year since 1990 because of a family history of Cardio myopathy,
( 2 sisters and nephew have died of the same complaint in the past 10 years)

Early in 2002 the Cardio decided that Mick did not have the condition and discharged him,
Mid December he had a heart attack, he was sent home from hospital on Dec 24th then readmitted Dec 27th and had his heart put back into rhythm and sent home on the 29th

since then he has had difficulty with his breathing and he was told the tablets would take time too kick in, and yesterday he just collapsed on his front step and died.

We have to wait for the post mortem results to find the exact cause of his death
He was 48 years of age

Mick and both his sisters and nephew were all treated by the same Cardio

Why WHY Why was this allowed to happen

We were friends for 29 years

This family has had so much to endure, his father has just come home from hospital after a three month stay and major surgery and he has to bury another of his children.It is so sad

Please Remember then in your prayers

Thanks for listening

I'm very sorry to hear of the loss of such a friend. There are no words that can make you feel any better about the situation. All I can offer is an ear to talk to and a shoulder to lean on.

Things like this happen for reasons that none of us truly understand. It's as much a part of life as life itself is. Painful it is none the less. :(
dear jan,
ross said it better than anyone ever could. there are no words... the pain will take a long time to ease....that poor family and friends....we are here for you if you need us.
i'm so sorry for your great loss.
thinking of you, sylvia
I am so very sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends. I know there isn't much anyone can say right now to ease the pain, but just know that we are all here if you need us.

Take Care!

My condolences on the loss of your dear friend.It is a very sad story. My prayers are with him and with his family and friends.
My prayers are with Michael's family/friends

My prayers are with Michael's family/friends

What a sad thing to go through, as a parent you never want to outlive your children, what a heart break.

Jan, I too am sorry for your loss. Ross said it best, when he said there is nothing anyone can say to make you feel better, but whenever you need someone to listen to and talk to, we are all here for you. We are an extended family, call on us if you need a hug.

Take care of yourself, alright?
Dear Jan - my most sincere condolences to you and to Michael's family. What a terrible loss - and all of you are doubting that it was 'his time' and nobody can blame you - I would feel the same and along with my grief would be terrible anger. Go through your grief, all of you - then please recommend that the other family members see another doctor. God bless - Ann
I know you are suffering from your loss and it is certainly not an easy thing to understand. I hope that you continue to pray for understanding and comfort. Our God is a good God...and there is a reason for all He does. Sometimes it is not for us to understand, but merely to accept. I shall keep you and this family in my prayers. I pray that your loss gets easier with each passing day.


You and your friends certainly have my sympathy. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. If there is one thing I have learned is that bad things happen to good people. We don't know why but they do. Did this man have children? It is a tragedy and I feel very sorry for the father of this man. I can't imagine losing one child much less 3. Peggy
yes,its a sad time

Those that are left, and loved, have lost, time of sharing that love. It is a precious human emotion that is so valuable.
my sympathy to you and the others you share that loss with.

Its so sad for the elders,father and mothers, as in Senator Kennedy's words "the old should not bury the young, its not the natural order of things.
The loss of Michael

The loss of Michael

Thank you all so much for your kind thoughts and prayers,it really is a comfort to know that you are all thinking of Michael's family,

he had three children and two grandchildren who are naturally devastated,

Bill and I are going to visit Michaels father tomorrow and I will tell him that all my heart friends are thinking of him,

Thank you all for listening
