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Debrinha GT

Well-known member
Feb 19, 2004
Hello everyone, tomorrow it will be a big day for me, and by that I mean that I'm going to get an echo done and then see the cardio about the result. The good things is that I get to know about the condition of my valve right away since it's the doctor himself who does the echo. Anyway, I'm well aware of the fact that I will need surgery sooner or later, but I want to ask you to add me to your prayers tomorrow!! Thanks for reading and I'm sure I'll feel the good vibes you'll be sending during the exam and consulatation!!
Done, many thoughts and prayers..hoping additional surgery is far far away... :)
Absolutely, Debora-

I hope things have remained stable for you and it's just a matter of keeping an eye on it.
Wishing you the best Debora. Lucky you to get the results immediately- that always helps reduce the tension!
I really hope so!!

I really hope so!!

First of all, thanks for all your replies and good wishes! Some of you might have read by now that I intend to go to New Zealand NEXT year, but I know that this trip will depend a lot on my condition so, that just wouldn't be fair if I couldn't go abroad once again!! Ten years ago I had everything ready to go to Scotland with Robert to visit his parents and have a nice time, but had to trade it in for my third surgery. I'm very grateful to be alive and I'm well aware of the need for another one, but all I'm asking God is for him to allow me to enjoy myself a bit before it!! It's not too much to ask, is it? About 25 hours from now I'll be getting the exam done and then the result so, I guess I'll feel a bit nervous until then! Keep the prayers coming this way and I might just manage to relax a little! Thanks again!
Good luck

Good luck

Debora - you are in my thoughts and prayers - will be anxious to hear the test results and what your cardio says. You sound great - I can't imagine it is time for you to have another surgery.

God bless -
Christina L
Good luck Debora! I'll be thinking of you and hoping for a great outcome so your trip happens!

Love Emma
In a few hours I'll know!

In a few hours I'll know!

Hi again, all your replies are helping me remain calmer than I would normally be, thank you so much!! By this time tomorrow I'll know how I'm doing. I want to get a good sleep tonight and be relaxed for tomorrow's appointment. I'll let you know how everything went as soon as I get home tomorrow evening.
So far, so good!

So far, so good!

Hi there everyone! I'll begin this post by thanking all of you for your chain of prayers and good vibes, as usual, they have worked wonders!! My valve's still in good condition and the cardio doesn't think there will be any problems for me to go to NZ next year! Yes!! Of course I'll go to see him before the trip, but he's quite confident that very little will have changed by then. I had my lorax just before going to the clinic and when I got there I felt ok and my HR was only 63 which is very good for me. Here is what I consider to be the most important part of the exam since everything else has come up normal and I wouldn't know how to translate the whole lot anyway!!LOL!! Any comments from you would be appreciated!?? Thank you all so much for your support!

Biological prothesis with slightly thickened cusps. Sufficient and competent opening. Maximum GRAD=14mmhg, Medium GRAD=06mmhg, valvular area(doppler)=2.00cm2. Increased left atrium. The internal dimensions of my left ventricle are normal.
There's no regurgitation or PH at all either.

Great news

Great news

Debora! Sounds like you are "good to go."

I hope you will get many more healthy years out of this valve.

God bless -

Christina L.
Thank you Christina and Glenda! I'm really looking forward to this trip to NZ next year! I know that time will fly and Wendy and I will be having our VERY MINI VR reunion!!LOL!! She's such a nice person and I can't wait to meet her and her family! It will also be great to visit Auckland and I've already told her I'll be using her kitchen to prepare some Brazilian dishes!! She sent me a couple of recipe books the other day and my mum and I are going to try and make a couple of the things too. I'll just need my husband's help to tell me what some of the ingredients are first!!LOL!!