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Adam T

Hello everyone, I had my AVR as scheduled on Tuesday 6/6. I came home yesterday afternoon 6/9.

I hope someone else can read this and know what to expect. Also I'd like to compare recovery notes.

Surgery went well except I bled a little too much, so they kept me out for 10 hours. I think that's a long time to be under. My breathing tube came out a few hours later 2-3 I think. (reports my wife)

I got violently ill that night, vomiting etc. and the next day was a painful (although not that bad) blur. I left ICU and left behind some of the wires and needles.

Thursday (2 days post-op) felt OK, had some visitors, and walked 600+ yrds. at one time. (It was marked in the hallways) I also got my pacing wires and chest tube out on this day.

Friday, 3 days post-op I was told I could go home as long as I came back Monday for further tests on my INR. I took my first shower :eek: and I got 10 prescriptions (2 were OTC) and came home. Some of my visitors showed up to an empty room. :D I came home and pretty much slept the rest of the day with a few indoor walks thrown in.

Saturday, (4 days post -op) No narcotics yet today, although I think I'll take one before bed. Got up ate a small breakfast, shaved, took a shower, watched my wife move some furniture around, watched Deadliest Catch and World Cup on TV and walked to the mailbox and around the neighborhood twice. No fever, and shoulder pain is manageable. One of the nicest days I can remember in a long time since I just happy to be here.

Issues: Friday, the day I was released, I really struggled with pain in my left shoulder, it felt like it was under my collarbone, and it was only on my left side. I don't know if that is because that was the arm they used for anasthesia or if I slept on it wrong the night before. The only thing that seems to work on it is a persistant application of a hot pad. This is not in the area of my incision at all and I cleared this through the Dr. It is better today but still there.

Did anyone else have this? What causes it? How long will it last?

i think the rest of these have been covered in other threads, but I'm putting them here to say, "I'm with you brothers & sisters."

Nothing tastes right, so lost my appetite.
I have not gone #2 yet, but Dr. is not concerned yet because I've been on the pain meds.
I have very little endurance. (I kind of expected this from reading the forum)
In general, I feel like I'm getting over the flu, not really all that sick, but certainly not well.

Thanks for reading,


P.S. I apologize for my spelling it can sometimes be bad, and I'm on drugs.
Wow - you made it through this fast. Congrats on being home.
All the symptoms you describe are perfectly normal. I found I had pains in places I did not expect after surgery (neck, back, shoulder, etc.). Turns out they have us in really bent up positions to do the surgery so I am sure your pain is normal. Keep an eye on it and, as long as it gets better and better, you will be fine. If anything starts to get worse, that is the time to worry.
However, keep in mind that any time you have a question or concern, it never hurts to call the doctor. That is what they are there for and your well being is their concern.
Keep up the walking, your endurance will increase. Be patient.
WOW Adam, that is fast turn around. I am stuck here until I resolve the little difficulty you cited below:eek: :rolleyes:

Adam T said:
I have not gone #2 yet, but Dr. is not concerned yet because I've been on the pain meds.

As far as pain killersI was told I had a bad reaction to the morphine they gave me so they didn't give me anything else until the next day. That sort of sucked, now I am on darvocet and it seems to do well, pain in the shoulders has been helped by doing lots of stretching and the drugs of course:D . So far your recovery sounds very similar to what I am doing just a day behind you and seems consistent with what I have read of other recoveries.

Good luck and keep up the good work!
Adam T said:
P.S. I apologize for my spelling it can sometimes be bad, and I'm on drugs.

Pshaw....no need to apologize!!!

Glad to know that you are home ... and doing relatively well.

The pain in your shoulder could also be "pent up" gasses in you. At least, that is one explanation I was given.....

Thoughts/prayers continuing for you....

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker
MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
chdQB = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/quilt.html
"Enough is enough, I can't take anymore" ... Alabama ... 'Can't Keep A Good Man Down'
3 days and you are home?? That IS fast - no doubt about it. You are probably going to go through good days and some bad days in the early going, so don't be surprised. For instance, after being home one week, I suddenly developed a low grade fever (usually around 100) that lasted almost two full weeks. I was told by my docs that this was perfectly normal - the body's thermostat was still screwed up after the surgery and trying to adjust. But, it made me feel pretty lousy for that time period. I never stopped my recovery plan though - just had to force myself. That was my only issue, and in the grand scheme of things it was a non-event compared to what a lot of other people have to go through to get well. So - aches and pains are to be expected and I hear a lot of complaints about sore shoulders and necks, etc. (I never had that.)
Wow! You came home really early. I would certainly expect some ups and downs. Your body has been through so much it will need tender loving care to heal. Just be patient with yourself. Sleep a lot if you can. Walk, eat if you can but do drink fluids, use your breathing machine (spirometer). So glad things are going so well for you.
Hi Adam. Congratulations on such a quick release and on your obvious success. Yes, it does feel like the tail end of the flu.....then, for me, my skin felt sensitive, like a sunburn, for a very long time. Many people complain of shoulder pain. I had none. However, my sternum pain/discomfort is still very annoying after 7 weeks! Everyone seems to have quirky things that individualize their experience.

Please be advised that you need to move those bowels pretty soon, pain meds or not! I had knee surgery once and was thinking, no big deal about all that and ended up with cramps so bad.....well it was worse than any of the rest of this!! Try prune juice.....grandma's tried and true!! :)

For me, for the first 2 weeks, I followed a little self made rule....when in doubt, take the pain pill and go to sleep! For me, rest was the key and I took advantage of every opportunity. I hope you are resting fairly comfortably.

Keep up the good work. Don't worry at all about the endurance.....it comes in fits and spells and then finally progresses with strength.

Hope your lovely weather continues. Enjoy every breath!

:D Marguerite
Welcome home, Adam. All your complaints (shoulder pain, loss of appetite and constipation) seem par for the course. Take it slowly and I'm sure you will find things will improve daily. The appetite will come back, massages are a big help for the shoulder pain and an over the counter laxative or prune juice as Maguerite suggested are good for the constipation. Wishing you a continued uneventful recovery.

Wow, you did get out of the hospital really fast, that is great! :) :) :)
There was no way I could walk 600 yards at one time even 2 weeks after post op. The pain in your shoulder may be due to the surgery after having been opened up like a sardine can. From what I understand, the muscles are really stretched during the surgery. My back was in almost in constant pain for at least a week after surgery. Pain meds and hot packs helped to reduce the level of the pain. Overall the pain lasted for about 6 weeks after surgery.
I hope your recovery continues to very smooth.

No apologies needed for the spellling, We have all been there.

Adam, congrats on blowing that pop stand. The sooner the better, methinks.

Have your wife massage your shoulder. They pin your arms behind you to have better access - have her rub it well at least 4 times per day.

I agree - it's time to address the constipation.

You sound great; congratulations again.
Man, you were out of there very fast! I'm 46 and had AVR on 5/16/06 and they let me out in 6 days. That pain in your left shoulder blade area is exactly what I had. I also had pain in my right heal and right tricep near the elbow. The surgeon told me it had to do with positioning on the table.When I woke up I was pulling hard on my arm restraints to get the ventilator tube out and also had sore biceps for a while. The constipation I had in the hospital was easily fixed with a pill. My biggest problem was lack of sleep.Finally 4 days ago I quit the oxycodone pain pills and the sleep returned. The aches and pains will diminish over time.My wife rubs my back between the shoulder blades twice daily and Ibuprofen will also work. Your doing great so far.
Thanks eveyone for your words of encouragement. Mtnbiker, glad to hear from you. Hope your doing well also.

I should mention that I'm 'only' 30 so I'm a little younger than most adult valve patients. Athlete, prior military and military school as well. I was in decent although by NO means great shape at the time of my surgery.

Today, I started off feeling pretty good, then noticed some blood and pus where I slept. I had a polynoital (no idea on spelling here) cyst a few years ago and had to have it drained. For those who don't know where that is it's almost dead center on your tailbone. I had not heard from that thing in a while, but I guess a few days laying on my back, sweating with no shower set it off again and it was draining.

I thought it might be somewhat dangerous with my new valve so I paged the Dr. and got sent to the ER. They cleaned it up, cleaned it out and gave me a strong antibiotic. It was a long day, but we're home again.

I just told the surgeon that looked at me, "If heart surgery wasn't a pain in the butt in itself..." I think they got a kick out of it and it lightened the mood. Everything is OK now, just thought I share that entertaining little story.

Thank you all for your comments. I think I'll start posting on some other threads soon. I didn't feel too qualified before, my lack of posts does not mean lack of interest. Hope all are doing well.

WOW! Adam...you sure did well to be home so soon!

You remember to rest now when you need it hey! :D

I hope you are addressing the lack of #2's as it gets awfully uncomfortable and painful if you let it go on and wait for nature to kick-in :eek: .

Keep up the walks...its great that you are able to walk so far already...

sounds like you are in for a quick and boring recovery...thats what we like to see!...

well done!
Adam T said:
I should mention that I'm 'only' 30 so I'm a little younger than most adult valve patients.


Except when those adult patients were babies when they first became patients ... as in my case ;).

Seriously, tho, humor does lighten the mood ... and put everyone at ease. If you have that gift, I'd say you're a step ahead already!
I Don't Get It!?

I Don't Get It!?

Why do the docs not give us stool softeners when they give us those pain meds? They know what happens if they don't. Adam, you are doing GREAT! I was a year younger than you when I had my surgery, and I was there a week! Your brain is doing a lot better than mine did too! I couldn't read or watch TV for at least a week after surgery, let alone write! Hang in there, be careful, and don't hesitate to call the doctor with any symptoms. All the best, Brian
No need for any "help" from prune juice now. I quit taking the narcotics and all is well.
No need for any "help" from prune juice now. I quit taking the narcotics and all is well.

Kinghtfan and BDMc, I stand corrected.
Adam T said:
Kinghtfan and BDMc, I stand corrected.


No worries, Adam! Just good that you are home and doing well ... no matter how old (er, young) you are ;). He he he